Paymentez - Sencillito
This page presents all information related to the Paymentez (Nuvei company) connection using cash as payment. Use the following buttons to navigate to the desired section.
Connecting with Yuno
Mandatory fields when integrating via Yuno:
No mandatory fields are required. However, the provider may request additional fields according to the merchant or to improve the approval rate.
General information
Payment methods:
Minimum amount:
Type of integration:
Testing guidelines for sandbox environment
Necessary fields for testing:
Application Key
Application Code
Application Code
Integration configuration
Credentials and steps to obtain them:
- To start the integration you will need to request to the Nuvei/Paymentez Team, [email protected], a Development/Sandbox account.
- Nuvei/Paymentez will create an Application and give you the Application Code. From now this will be the identifier for your Application in the whole integration. In the Nuvei/Paymentez admin system you will find your transactions, application settings, including application URLs and Application Key, and other configurations.
- Configurations have to be done for the application in development environment and production environment, URLs and application key are different for every environment.
- Development environment will be always available for tests even after launching your application to production.
Dashboard configuration:
- Log in to
- Click Connections and then select Paymentez.
- Click Connect.
- Introduce Name, Country, Application Key and Application Code.
- Click Connect.
Configuration of webhooks in partner:
Provide URL to Nuvei/Paymentez's staff.
Updated 4 months ago