Object and Examples

Webhook attributes

The attributes of the JSON for the Yuno webhooks are listed below:

account_id string
The unique identifier of the account in Yuno (MAX 64 ; MIN 36).

type string
Specifies the notification type.

type_event string
Specifies the event notification type.

version string
Specifies the version of the webhook sent. Currently 2.

retry string
Specifies the number of retries for that notification.

data string

Specifies the payment (for payment type) or payment method object (for enrollment).


Yuno provides several webhooks related to enrollment and payment notifications. Here you will find some examples of data structures related to each event.


Payment Webhook V2

The next JSON object presents an example of a data structure related to a payment event from Webhook V2.

    "type": "payment",
    "type_event": "payment.purchase",
    "account_id": "2c05976d-1234-1234-1234-6421883de48d",
    "retry": 0,
    "version": 2,
    "data": {
        "payment": {
            "id": "a546c566-1703-4fba-b334-c46e89bc97f7",
            "account_id": "2c05976d-1234-1234-1234-6421883de48d",
            "description": "Testing Yuno",
            "country": "UY",
            "status": "SUCCEEDED",
            "sub_status": "APPROVED",
            "order_id": "Order1234",
            "merchant_order_id": "Test1234",
            "created_at": "2024-07-19T16:31:59.528561Z",
            "updated_at": "2024-07-19T16:32:02.203776Z",
            "idempotency_key": "9e2aba6a-1234-1234-1234-03a0a67ee15f",
            "amount": {
                "currency": "UYU",
                "value": 1458,
                "refunded": 0,
                "captured": 0
            "checkout": {
                "session": "2f3423dd-1234-1234-1234-2c7da5ad1caf",
                "sdk_action_required": false
            "customer_payer": {
                "id": "96bf8513-1234-1234-1234-0087b2a60535",
                "merchant_customer_id": "user1234",
                "first_name": "harry ",
                "last_name": "potter ",
                "gender": "",
                "date_of_birth": null,
                "email": "[email protected]",
                "nationality": null,
                "ip_address": "",
                "device_fingerprint": null,
                "third_party_session_id": "third_party_session_id",
                "merchant_customer_created_at": "2019-01-08T18:38:55.617Z",
                "browser_info": {
                    "user_agent": "Yuno's/20979 CFNetwork/1496.0.7 Darwin/23.5.0",
                    "accept_header": "*/*",
                    "color_depth": null,
                    "screen_height": "844.0",
                    "screen_width": "390.0",
                    "javascript_enabled": null,
                    "language": "es-UY",
                    "accept_content": null,
                    "accept_browser": null,
                    "java_enabled": null,
                    "browser_time_difference": null
                "document": {
                    "document_number": "99999999",
                    "document_type": "CI"
                "billing_address": {
                    "address_line_1": "GEANT - Av. A la Playa y calle de 17",
                    "address_line_2": "",
                    "city": "Canelones",
                    "country": "UY",
                    "state": "Canelones",
                    "zip_code": "-",
                    "neighborhood": null
                "shipping_address": {
                    "address_line_1": "GEANT - Av. A la Playa y calle de 17",
                    "address_line_2": "",
                    "city": "Canelones",
                    "country": "UY",
                    "state": "Canelones",
                    "zip_code": "-",
                    "neighborhood": null
                "phone": {
                    "country_code": "598",
                    "number": "12345678"
            "additional_data": {
                "order": {
                    "shipping_amount": 0,
                    "fee_amount": null,
                    "tip_amount": null,
                    "items": [
                            "id": "item123",
                            "name": "Yuno Testing",
                            "quantity": 1,
                            "unit_amount": 1458,
                            "category": "services",
                            "brand": null,
                            "sku_code": null,
                            "manufacture_part_number": null
                    "taxes": []
                "airline": null,
                "seller_details": null
            "transactions": {
                "id": "3a35add9-89d6-4b11-9f17-24a76f4d046e",
                "type": "PURCHASE",
                "status": "SUCCEEDED",
                "category": "CARD",
                "amount": 1458,
                "provider_id": "YUNO TEST GATEWAY",
                "response_code": "SUCCEEDED",
                "merchant_reference": "Test1234",
                "response_message": "Transaction successful",
                "reason": null,
                "description": "Testing Yuno",
                "created_at": "2024-07-19T16:31:59.617130Z",
                "updated_at": "2024-07-19T16:32:02.138835Z",
                "payment_method": {
                    "token": "902f17f9-1234-1234-1234-3322f5ebdbb5",
                    "type": "CARD",
                    "vaulted_token": "795b4f2e-1234-1234-1234-fcc1930d5d4c",
                    "vault_on_success": false,
                    "payment_method_detail": {
                        "card": {
                            "verify": null,
                            "capture": true,
                            "installments": 1,
                            "installments_plan_id": null,
                            "first_installment_deferral": null,
                            "installments_amount": null,
                            "installments_type": null,
                            "soft_descriptor": "",
                            "authorization_code": "123456",
                            "retrieval_reference_number": "",
                            "voucher": null,
                            "card_data": {
                                "holder_name": "HARRY POTTER",
                                "iin": "51584511",
                                "lfd": "1234",
                                "number_length": 16,
                                "security_code_length": 3,
                                "brand": "MASTERCARD",
                                "issuer_name": "ECONSTAR SA",
                                "issuer_code": null,
                                "category": "MRG - Prepaid MasterCard Card",
                                "type": "CREDIT",
                                "three_d_secure": {
                                    "version": null,
                                    "electronic_commerce_indicator": null,
                                    "cryptogram": null,
                                    "transaction_id": null,
                                    "directory_server_transaction_id": null,
                                    "pares_status": null,
                                    "acs_id": null
                                "network_token": null,
                                "fingerprint": null
                            "stored_credentials": {
                                "reason": null,
                                "usage": null
                        "wallet": null,
                        "bnpl": null,
                        "bank_transfer": null,
                        "ticket": null,
                        "payment_link": null
                "provider": {
                    "provider_transaction_id": "YUNO-51056-b673b951-aaa-aaa-aaa-123489aee2e0"
                "provider_data": {
                    "raw_response": {
                        "value": "provider raw response"
                    "id": "DLOCAL",
                    "transaction_id": "YUNO-51056-b673b951-aaa-aaa-aaa-123489aee2e0",
                    "account_id": "699ec8d444",
                    "status": "PAID",
                    "status_detail": null,
                    "response_message": "The payment was paid.",
                    "response_code": "200",
                    "third_party_transaction_id": "",
                    "third_party_account_id": ""
                "simplified_mode": false,
                "third_party_session_id": "third_party_session_id"
            "transactions_history": [
                    "id": "3a35add9-89d6-4b11-9f17-24a76f4d046e",
                    "type": "PURCHASE",
                    "status": "SUCCEEDED",
                    "category": "CARD",
                    "amount": 1458,
                    "provider_id": "YUNO TEST GATEWAY",
                    "response_code": "SUCCEEDED",
                    "merchant_reference": "Test1234",
                    "response_message": "Transaction successful",
                    "reason": null,
                    "description": "Testing Yuno",
                    "created_at": "2024-07-19T16:31:59.617130Z",
                    "updated_at": "2024-07-19T16:32:02.138835Z",
                    "payment_method": {
                        "token": "902f17f9-1234-1234-1234-3322f5ebdbb5",
                        "type": "CARD",
                        "vaulted_token": "795b4f2e-1234-1234-1234-fcc1930d5d4c",
                        "vault_on_success": false,
                        "payment_method_detail": {
                            "card": {
                                "verify": null,
                                "capture": true,
                                "installments": 1,
                                "installments_plan_id": null,
                                "first_installment_deferral": null,
                                "installments_amount": null,
                                "installments_type": null,
                                "soft_descriptor": "",
                                "authorization_code": "123456",
                                "retrieval_reference_number": "",
                                "voucher": null,
                                "card_data": {
                                    "holder_name": "HARRY POTTER",
                                    "iin": "51584511",
                                    "lfd": "1234",
                                    "number_length": 16,
                                    "security_code_length": 3,
                                    "brand": "MASTERCARD",
                                    "issuer_name": "ECONSTAR SA",
                                    "issuer_code": null,
                                    "category": "MRG - Prepaid MasterCard Card",
                                    "type": "CREDIT",
                                    "three_d_secure": {
                                        "version": null,
                                        "electronic_commerce_indicator": null,
                                        "cryptogram": null,
                                        "transaction_id": null,
                                        "directory_server_transaction_id": null,
                                        "pares_status": null,
                                        "acs_id": null
                                    "network_token": null,
                                    "fingerprint": null
                                "stored_credentials": {
                                    "reason": null,
                                    "usage": null
                            "wallet": null,
                            "bnpl": null,
                            "bank_transfer": null,
                            "ticket": null,
                            "payment_link": null
                    "provider": {
                        "provider_transaction_id": "YUNO-51056-b673b951-aaa-aaa-aaa-123489aee2e0"
                    "provider_data": {
                        "raw_response": {
                            "value": "raw_response"
                        "id": "DLOCAL",
                        "transaction_id": "YUNO-51056-b673b951-aaa-aaa-aaa-123489aee2e0",
                        "account_id": "699ec8d444",
                        "status": "PAID",
                        "status_detail": null,
                        "response_message": "The payment was paid.",
                        "response_code": "200",
                        "third_party_transaction_id": "",
                        "third_party_account_id": ""
                    "simplified_mode": false,
                    "third_party_session_id": "json object"
            "callback_url": null,
            "workflow": "SDK_CHECKOUT",
            "split": [],
            "payment_link_code": "",
            "subscription_id": null,
            "fraud_screening": null,
            "metadata": [],
            "routing_rules": {
                "condition": {
                    "id": 222770,
                    "name": null,
                    "description": null

Payment Webhook V1

The next JSON object presents an example of a data structure related to a payment event from Webhook V1.

      "description":"test description",
         "email":"[email protected]",
            "address_line_1":"Calle 34 # 56 - 78",
            "address_line_2":"Apartamento 502, Torre I",
            "address_line_1":"Calle 34 # 56 - 78",
            "address_line_2":"Apartamento 502, Torre I",
         "response_message":"Transaction successful",
         "description":"test description",
                     "issuer_name":"BANCO DE LA PRODUCCION S.A. (PRODUBANCO)",
                     "bank":"Banco de la Produccion S.A. (PRODUBANCO)",
                  "merchantName":"kushkiCOSBX Colombia",
                  "processorBankName":"0032~BANCO INTERNACIONAL",
                  "responseText":"Transacción aprobada",
            "status_detail":"Transacción aprobada",
            "response_message":"Transacción aprobada"

Chargeback Webhook V1

The next JSON object presents an example of a data structure related to a payment event from Webhook V1.

      "description":"test description",
         "email":"[email protected]",
            "address_line_1":"Calle 34 # 56 - 78",
            "address_line_2":"Apartamento 502, Torre I",
            "address_line_1":"Calle 34 # 56 - 78",
            "address_line_2":"Apartamento 502, Torre I",
         "response_message":"Transaction successful",
         "description":"test description",
                     "issuer_name":"BANCO DE LA PRODUCCION S.A. (PRODUBANCO)",


  "type_event": "enrollment.enroll", 
  "version": 2,
  "retry": 0,
  "data": {
    "payment_method": {
      "account_id": "d9cd3ef2-330a-45a4-b2a3-19e6502d2c92",


  "type": "payout",
  "type_event": "payout.payout",
  "account_id": "f7c5fe77-721b-49c2-84d3-957748df3c2c",
  "retry": 0,
  "version": 2,
  "data": {
    "id": "0cbc7bd4-04f3-4897-b3c6-4d5f36a6b9a7",
    "status": "SUCCEEDED",
    "merchant_reference": "MR-12345",
    "description": null,
    "country": "BR",
    "account_code": "f7c5fe77-721b-49c2-84d3-957748df3c2c",
    "organization_code": "6c6a6b2c-c9c0-4104-9dd0-4237e6f00047",
    "purpose": null,
    "amount": {
      "currency": "BRL",
      "value": 100
    "beneficiary": {
      "merchant_beneficiary_id": "test_merchant_deposit_id",
      "national_entity": null,
      "first_name": null,
      "last_name": null,
      "legal_name": null,
      "email": null,
      "country": "BR",
      "date_of_birth": null,
      "document": null,
      "phone": null,
      "address": null
    "transactions": [
        "id": "2be03290-70a9-414a-a285-8c573d26de5a",
        "status": "SUCCEEDED",
        "type": "ASTROPAY_PAYOUT",
        "response_code": "SUCCEEDED",
        "purpose": null,
        "description": null,
        "amount": {
          "currency": "BRL",
          "value": 100
        "withdrawal_method": {
          "type": "ASTROPAY_PAYOUT",
          "provider_id": null,
          "detail": {
            "bank_transfer": null,
            "wallet": {
              "code": "h15sg84U6rCl",
              "email": null,
              "country": null,
              "document": null,
              "phone": null
        "provider_data": {
          "id": "ASTROPAY",
          "transaction_id": "32389",
          "account_id": "",
          "beneficiary_id": "test_merchant_deposit_id",
          "raw_response": "\"{\\n  \\\"cashout_id\\\" : 32389,\\n  \\\"merchant_cashout_id\\\" : \\\"2be03290-70a9-414a-a285-8c573d26de5a\\\",\\n  \\\"status\\\" : \\\"APPROVED\\\",\\n  \\\"user_id\\\" : \\\"h15sg84U6rCl\\\"\\n}\"",
          "status_detail": "APPROVED",
          "provider_status": null
        "created_at": "2024-05-27T19:10:32.723578Z",
        "updated_at": "2024-05-27T19:10:33.757137Z"
    "metadata": [],
    "created_at": "2024-05-27T19:10:32.494514Z",
    "updated_at": "2024-05-27T19:10:33.757143Z"