Create Payments

On this page, you will find a walk-through guide on creating a payment and the necessary information to accomplish such a task.


Before starting following the steps described in this guide, you need to:

Make sure to complete these requirements before following the create payment guide.

Explore Yuno Postman Collections

Yuno provides Postman Collections that you can use to replicate the use cases locally.

Steps summary

The create payment process normally requires finishing the four steps listed below.

  1. Create a customer
  2. Create a checkout session
  3. Create a One-Time Token
  4. Create the payment

Additional steps

Different payment methods, such as with specific wallets or BNPL, or functionalites, such as split payments, may require aditional steps before creating the payment. Yuno provides complementary guides for these situations. Check the Create payments page to find them all.

Create a payment

Step 1: Create a customer

Use the Create Customer to register the customer info. You will need to provide personal customer information. In addition, you also need to supply the merchant_customer_id, a unique identifier for the customer used on your system.

Customer complementary information

When creating a Customer, certain information is not required but can improve the user's payment experience if provided. Phone, billing address, and shipping address are examples of not mandatory data you can provide.

If you add optional information, be aware of the required mandatory fields.

At the end of the create a customer process, you will receive an id, which identifies the user within the Yuno system. Use the id to initialize the checkout.

If you are creating a payment for an existing user who was previously created and already had an id you can skip this step.

Step 2: Create a checkout session

With a customer registered, you can create a checkout session. The checkout is when the customer finalizes their order and proceeds to pay for the products or services they wish to acquire. Therefore, at this stage, you will provide information regarding the payment amount and the location where it is being created.

Use the Create Checkout Session endpoint. Notice that the customer_id required to perform the request is the id you received when creating the customer in Step 1.

From the request response to the Create Checkout Session endpoint, you will receive the checkout_session information. It will be used to create the one-time token (OTT) and the payment on the next steps.

Step 3: Create a one-time token (OTT)

An OTT is a unique identifier Yuno generates to protect your customer privacy and security. It serves as an identifier for payments detail and prevents sensitive data from being stored on your servers. Therefore, you can use OTTs to make it simple for your customers to repeat payments without re-entering their payment information, making the process more secure and convenient.

You will always get the OTT from the Yuno SDK on your application. By using Yuno's SDK we take care of every particular scenario that different payment methods could have. This allows us to:

  • Ask for missing information for the enrolled payment method in case the selected provider in the CARD route needs some additional fields.
  • Support fraud screening
  • Support 3DS

You can always use the list Payment type to check all available payment types. In the response of the SDK, you will receive the one-time-token, which you will use to create the payment.


Remember that for testing Credit card payments you can set the "Yuno Test Payment Gateway" as a provider in your Card route.

Step 4: Create a payment

You will create a payment using the endpoint Create Payment. With Yuno, you can create payments with several payment methods, using 3DS or split payments. However, this guide focuses on a simple payment without additional authentication, validation, or enrollment requirements.

Below you find a deeper description of how to create a payment.

4.1 Provide the required attributes

Provide customer-related information, including the checkout_session from Step 2 through checkout.session and customer_payer object that contains the id from Step 1.

Certain objects are not mandatory when creating a payment. However, if you provide this information, the user’s payment experience will be enhanced. Be aware of the mandatory fields if you wish to provide this information.

4.2 Choose the capture type

Yuno provides two options for payment capture:

  • Single-step: Authorization and capture are performed simultaneously. You only need to create the payment. The authorization and capture are performed automatically. For the single-step option, you need to send the attribute capture as true on the request.
  • Two steps: Authorization and capture are performed at different moments. After creating the payment, you will need to perform an authorization request and a capture request. if you wish to process the payment in Two Steps, send capture as false and after creating the payment, use the Authorize Payment and the Capture Authorization to complete the process.

4.3 Additional features

Yuno also lets you use some additional features that are supported in the basic payment creation process:

  • vault_on_success: If your customer uses a credit card to make the payment, we let you enroll that payment method for the customer for future purchase in the same step.
  • installments: In case you offer your clients installments for their payments and your chosen processor accepts them, you can send us the amount of installments to create the payment with.

Both fields can be found in the payment_method detail section of the payment.

Step 5: Check the payment status

After performing the request to the Create Payment, you can check the payment status by analyzing the status and sub_status from the response. Check the page Payment Status to see all options you can receive in response to the payment creation request.

Depending on the processor and payment method, the status may take some time to update. Therefore, you may need to use endpoints to recover the payment status. To perform this task, you can use the Retrieve Payment by ID or Retrieve Payment by merchant_order_id. Another option is to use webhooks to receive notifications after each event. Yuno recommends you use webhooks to monitor asynchronous payments better. Check the Webhooks guide to learn how to configure the webhooks solution provided by Yuno.

Test Card payments

If you need to test Card payments in general, Yuno provides the Yuno Test Payment Gateway. It works as a connection, however, it is available only in the sandbox environment.

Check the Yuno Test Payment Gateway page to learn all functionalities, or go directly to the guide on how to test card payments.