SDK Customizations

The Yuno Web SDK allows you to customize various elements, making it easy to align the design of payment forms and the checkout flow with your brand guidelines and UX/UI. Although the structure of each element remains uniform, you can adjust colors, text, buttons, and much more.

General guidelines

  • Styles within an iframe: Define the new styles when initializing the SDK. Each form input that receives card information is rendered within an iframe when using the Form Card Modal.
  • Styles outside an iframe: Inject the styles directly into the page.
  • Check element structure: Use the browser's developer mode to inspect where the element is rendered.

Default and Deprecated Design

Use the Default Design information when customizing the Yuno Web SDK. This approach is recommended for all new customizations and ensures you use the most up-to-date styles and practices.

The Deprecated Design is available for Yuno clients needing access to CSS class information. However, this option will be removed in the future.

Customizable elements

The following sections detail the elements that make up the Card and APM forms, along with the respective classes for each one, which can be modified to achieve a personalized style. Use the tab selector to choose between the Default and Deprecated content:

Use the following links to navigate to the desired component:


The classes available for customizing the input element while using the Default Design are listed in the following table.

CSS Class Description
.Yuno-fieldset__box General container for input fields.
.Yuno-input__content Content area for input elements.
.Yuno-input__label Label for input elements.
.Yuno-input__base Base styling for input elements.

The images below present how each class will affect the input element.

You can also customize the error warnings flagged by the interface. The classes related to error warnings are presented in the table below.

CSS Class Description
.Yuno-input__label .Yuno-input__label--error Label with error styling for input elements.
.Yuno-error-text-field__content Container for error message content.
.Yuno-error-text-field__error-icon Icon for error messages.
.Yuno-error-text-field__message Text for error messages.

The images below present how each class will affect the input element.

The code block below presents an example of how you can customize the input element. To use the following code, you need to add it to card when starting the SDK with yuno.startCheckout.

styles: ` #root { .Yuno-fieldset__box { .Yuno-input__content{ background: lavender; border-radius: 8px; .Yuno-input__base { background: lavender; } } } .Yuno-pan-secure-field .Yuno-fieldset__box.Yuno-fieldset__box--focus { border-color: darkviolet !important; } } `,

The following image presents the result of the customization.


The classes available for customizing the dropdown element while using the Default Design are listed in the following table.

CSS Class Description
.Yuno-fieldset__box General container for input fields.
.Yuno-select__content Content area for select elements.
.Yuno-select__label Label for select elements.
.Yuno-select__button-combo-box Button for combo box elements.
.Yuno-select__input Input area for select elements.
.Yuno-select__arrow Arrow icon for select dropdown.
.Yuno-select__list-box Container for dropdown list items.
.Yuno-select__list-item Individual item in dropdown list.

The images below present how each class will affect the dropdown element.

You can also customize the error warnings flagged by the interface. The classes related to error warnings are presented in the table below.

CSS Class Description
.Yuno-fieldset__box .Yuno-fieldset__box--error Container with error styling.
.Yuno-select__label .Yuno-select__label--error Label with error styling.
.Yuno-error-text-field__content Container for error message content.
.Yuno-error-text-field__error-icon Icon for error messages.
.Yuno-error-text-field__message Text for error messages.

The images below present how each class will affect the dropdown element.

The code block below presents an example of how you can customize the dropdown element.

.Yuno-fieldset__box { .Yuno-select__content { background: lavender; border-radius: 8px; border-bottom-right-radius: 0px; border-top-right-radius: 0px; .Yuno-select__input { background: lavender; } .Yuno-select__list-box { background: lavender; } } }

The following image presents the result of the customization.


The classes available for customizing the checkbox element while using the Default Design are listed in the following table.

CSS Class Description
.Yuno-checkbox__content Container for checkbox elements.
.Yuno-checkbox__icon Icon for checkbox elements.
.Yuno-checkbox__text Text for checkbox elements.

The image below present how each class will affect the checkbox element.

The code block below presents an example of how you can customize the checkbox element.

.Yuno-checkbox__content { .Yuno-checkbox__text { color: white; } }

The following image presents the result of the customization.


The classes available for customizing the button element while using the Default Design are listed in the following table.

CSS Class Description
.Yuno-button .Yuno-modal-bottom__button Class to configure the pay button.

The image below present how each class will affect the button element.

The code block below presents an example of how you can customize the button element.

.Yuno-button.Yuno-modal-bottom__button { background: cornflowerblue; }

The following image presents the result of the customization.


The classes available for customizing the card element while using the Default Design are listed in the following table.

CSS Class Description
.Yuno-front-side-card__content Class to configure the card element content.

The image below present how each class will affect the card element.

The code block below presents an example of how you can customize the card element. To use the following code, you need to add it to card when starting the SDK with yuno.startCheckout.

styles: ` #root { .Yuno-front-side-card__content { background: darkslateblue; } } `,

The following image presents the result of the customization.


The classes available for customizing the alert element while using the Default Design are listed in the following table.

CSS Class Description
.Yuno-Alert Configure the alert container.
.Yuno-Alert__icon Enables you to change the alert icon.
.Yuno-Alert__message Text for the alert element.

The image below present how each class will affect the alert element.

The code block below presents an example of how you can customize the alert element.

.yuno-modal-user-form { .Yuno-Alert { background-color: black; .Yuno-Alert__message { color: white; } } }

The following image presents the result of the customization.


The modal element provides two option you can customize:

  • Form Card Modal
  • APM Modal

Modal contomization requirements

To customize the modal component style, you must define the custom style directly within your web page.

Form Card Modal

Within the Form Card Modal, three iframes exist, where the card number input, expiration input, and CVV input are rendered separated. The name of the card owner is a standard input.

The classes available for customizing the form card modal element while using the Default Design are listed in the following table.

CSS Class Description
Yuno-modal__modal-content Container for the modal content.
Yuno-modal-header__content Header section of the modal.
Yuno-modal-header__icon Icon in the modal header.
Yuno-modal-header__title Title of the modal.
Yuno-modal-body__content Body content of the modal.
Yuno-modal-bottom__content Bottom section of the modal.

The image below presents how each class will affect the form card modal element.

The code block below presents an example of how you can customize the form card modal element.

.Yuno-modal__modal-content { background: rgb(40, 42, 48) !important; & .Yuno-modal-header__title { color: white; } & .Yuno-modal-bottom__content .Yuno-yuno-brand__text { color: white; } & .Yuno-modal-bottom__content .Yuno-button { background: #35363e; } & .Yuno-modal-body__content .Yuno-checkbox__content .Yuno-checkbox__text { color: white !important; } }

The following image presents the result of the customization.

APM Modal

The classes available for customizing the APM modal element while using the Default Design are listed in the following table.

CSS Class Description
.Yuno-modal__modal-content Container for the modal content.
.Yuno-modal-header__content Header section of the modal.
.Yuno-modal-header__icon Icon in the modal header.
.Yuno-modal-header__title Title of the modal.
.Yuno-modal-header__close-button Close button for the modal.
.yuno-user-form__heading .yuno-heading Heading for the user form.
.yuno-user-form__form Form container within the user form.
.Yuno-modal-body__content Body content of the modal.
.Yuno-modal-bottom__content Bottom section of the modal.
.Yuno-button .Yuno-modal-bottom__button Button within the bottom section of the modal.
.Yuno-yuno-brand__content Content area for Yuno brand.
.Yuno-yuno-brand__icon Icon for Yuno brand.
Yuno-yuno-brand__text Text for Yuno brand.

The image below presents how each class will affect the APM modal element.

The code block below presents an example of how you can customize the APM modal element.

.Yuno-modal__modal-content { background: rgb(40, 42, 48) !important; } .Yuno-modal-header__content { .Yuno-modal-header__title { color: white; } } .Yuno-modal-body__content { .yuno-user-form__heading.yuno-heading { color: white; } .Yuno-Alert { background: #35363e; color: white; .Yuno-Alert__message { color: white; } } .yuno-terms-conditions { color: white; } } .Yuno-modal-bottom__content { .Yuno-button.Yuno-modal-bottom__button { background: darkslateblue; } }

The following image presents the result of the customization.

Use the following links to navigate to the desired component:


The classes available for customizing the input element while using the Deprecated Design are listed in the following table.

CSS Class Description
.Yuno-text-field__content General container for text fields.
.Yuno-text-field__label Label for text fields.
.Yuno-text-field__input Input area for text fields.
.Yuno-text-field__end-adornment End adornment for text fields.

The images below present how each class will affect the input element.

You can also customize the error warnings flagged by the interface. The classes related to error warnings are presented in the table below.

CSS Class Description
.Yuno-error-text-field__content Container for error message content.
.Yuno-text-field__label Label for text fields.
.Yuno-text-field__content .error Container for the input in case of an error.
.Yuno-error-text-field__message Text for error messages.

The images below present how each class will affect the input element.

The code block below presents an example of how you can customize the input element. To use the following code, you need to add it to card when starting the SDK with yuno.startCheckout.

styles: ` #root { // content .Yuno-text-field__content { // label .Yuno-text-field__label { color: white; } // input .Yuno-text-field__input { background: lavender; border-color: #35363E; } // input focus .Yuno-text-field__input:focus { border: '2px solid #35363E'; } } } `,

The following image presents the result of the customization.


The classes available for customizing the dropdown element while using the Deprecated Design are listed in the following table.

CSS Class Description
.Yuno-select-field__state-select-wrapper Wrapper for state select field.
.Yuno-select__button-combo-box Button for combo box elements.
.Yuno-select-field__content Content area for select field.
.Yuno-select-field__label Label for select field.
.Yuno-select-field__select-button Select button for the field.
.Yuno-select-field__list List container for select options.
.Yuno-option__option Individual option in select list.

The images below present how each class will affect the dropdown element.

You can also customize the error warnings flagged by the interface. The classes related to error warnings are presented in the table below.

CSS Class Description
.Yuno-select-field__state-select-wrapper .error Wrapper for state select field with error styling.
.Yuno-error-text-field__content Container for error message content.
.Yuno-select-field__label Label for select field.
.Yuno-error-text-field__message Text for error messages.

The images below present how each class will affect the dropdown element.

The code block below presents an example of how you can customize the dropdown element. To use the following code, you need to add it to card when starting the SDK with yuno.startCheckout.

styles: ` #root { //dropdown .Yuno-select-field__content { .Yuno-select-field__label { color: white; } .Yuno-select-field__select-button{ background: lavender; border-color: #35363E; } .Yuno-select-field__list{ background: lavender; border-color: #35363E; } } } `,

The following image presents the result of the customization.


The classes available for customizing the button element while using the Deprecated Design are listed in the following table.

CSS Class Description
.Yuno-card-form__submit Class to configure the button container.
.Yuno-button Class to configure the pay button.

The image below presents how each class will affect the button element.

The code block below presents an example of how you can customize the button element. To use the following code, you need to add it to card when starting the SDK with yuno.startCheckout.

styles: ` #root { .Yuno-button { background: rgb(40, 42, 48); } } `,

The following image presents the result of the customization.


The classes available for customizing the card element while using the Deprecated Design are listed in the following table.

CSS Class Description
.Yuno-front-side-card__content Class to configure the card element content.

The image below presents how each class will affect the card element.

The code block below presents an example of how you can customize the card element. To use the following code, you need to add it to card when starting the SDK with yuno.startCheckout.

styles: ` #root { .Yuno-front-side-card__content { background: darkslateblue; } } `,

The following image presents the result of the customization.


The classes available for customizing the alert element while using the Deprecated Design are listed in the following table.

CSS Class Description
.Yuno-Alert Configure the alert container.
.Yuno-Alert__icon Enables you to change the alert icon.
.Yuno-Alert__message Text for the alert element.

The image below presents how each class will affect the alert element.

The code block below presents an example of how you can customize the alert element. To use the following code, you need to add it to card when starting the SDK with yuno.startCheckout.

.yuno-modal-user-form { .Yuno-Alert { background-color: black; .Yuno-Alert__message { color: white; } } }

The following image presents the result of the customization.


The modal element provides two option you can customize:

  • Form Card Modal
  • APM Modal

Modal contomization requirements

To customize the modal component style, you must define the custom style directly within your web page.

Form Card Modal

Within the Form Card Modal, three iframes exist, where the card number input, expiration input, and CVV input are rendered separated. The name of the card owner is a standard input.

The classes available for customizing the form card modal element while using the Deprecated Design are listed in the following table.

CSS Class Description
.yuno-modal__content Design the modal content.
.yuno-modal__header Define the modal header style.
.Yuno-card-container Configure the modal container.

The image below presents how each class will affect the form card modal element.

The code block below presents an example of how you can customize the form card modal element.

.yuno-modal__content { background: lavender !important; }

The following image presents the result of the customization.

APM Modal

The classes available for customizing the APM modal element while using the Deprecated Design are listed in the following table.

CSS Class Description
.yuno-modal__content Container for modal content.
.yuno-modal__header Header section of the modal.
.yuno-modal__title Title of the modal.
.yuno-modal__close-btn Close button for the modal.
.yuno-modal-user-form User form within the modal.
.yuno-user-form__heading .yuno-heading Heading for the user form.
.yuno-user-form__form Form container within the user form.

The image below presents how each class will affect the APM modal element.

The code block below presents an example of how you can customize the APM modal element.

.yuno-modal__content { background: rgb(40, 42, 48) !important; } .Yuno-select-field__content { .Yuno-select-field__label { color: white; } } .yuno-modal__content { .yuno-modal__header { .yuno-modal__title { color: white; } } } .yuno-modal-user-form { .yuno-user-form__heading.yuno-heading { color: white; } } .Yuno-text-field__content { .Yuno-text-field__label { color: white; } } .yuno-grid-phone label { color: white; } .yuno-user-form__form .yuno-terms-conditions { color: white; }

The following image presents the result of the customization.