Set Up Your Account
In this section, you'll create a Yuno account and complete all the necessary configurations to process a payment. We'll guide you through the process of setting up your account, configuring your first connection, setting up routing, enabling the payment method in the payment generator, and obtaining API credentials.
Step 1: Create your account on Yuno
- Send an email to [email protected] requesting a new account.
- After the Yuno team processes your request, they will send a verification email. Check the email and follow the instructions to verify your identity.
- After verification, you will receive your Yuno account credentials.
- Use the credentials to log into the Yuno dashboard.
Now that you have access to the dashboard, proceed to follow the steps below to enable a payment method. These steps should be followed whenever you add a new payment method.
Step 2: Set up your first connection
- Go to the Connections section on the left sidebar of the dashboard. Here, you can find all the available connections you can use through Yuno. In this example, we'll use the Yuno Test Payment Gateway.
- Look for the Yuno Test Payment Gateway in the search bar and then click on Connect.
- Enter a name for the connection that you can remember and click Add to save it.
You'll see a confirmation that your new connection was added.
Step 3: Set up routing for your new connection
When adding a new connection, you must assign it to a route. A route determines the provider for processing payments. Although you can have multiple routes and processors for a payment method, in this example, we will make a basic configuration in which all the payments will be processed with the Yuno Test Payment Gateway connection.
- Go to the Routing section on the left sidebar of the dashboard. Here, you can find all your published and unpublished routes.
- Click on the Not Published tab to view all the payment methods with available connections that don't yet have a configured route.
- Look for the Card payment method and click on Set Up.
- In the pop-up window, click on + Create new route, assign a name, and then click Save.
- Click on the purple arrow and select Add step. Then, choose Yuno Test Payment Gateway for this case.
- Finally, click on the purple Publish button located in the top right corner.
Now, you can find the new route in the Published tab, which means that the Card payment method will process all the transactions through the route you previously configured.
Step 4: Enable the payment method in the checkout builder
Once you have created a connection and set it up in a route, you must turn on the Card payment method to show it at your checkout.
- Go to the Checkout builder section on the left sidebar of the dashboard. Here, you can find the payment methods with published routes.
- Turn on the Card toggle to display the payment method in your checkout.
- Click the purple Publish button located in the top right corner of the screen.
Step 5: Get your API credentials
Now everything is set, and you need to get your API credentials. Note that these credentials only work with Sandbox environment.
- Go to the Developers section on the left sidebar of the dashboard. Here, you can find the Developers' tools.
- You can find the API credentials you'll need to complete this guide here.
Now that everything is set up in the dashboard, you can go to the Create Your First Payment section, where you will find the steps to complete this guide.
Updated 5 months ago