Direct integration

Yuno gives you the possibility to use our integration with Apple Pay SDKs, or if you already have your integration set up and have the cryptogram available to use, you can go directly with that information to our payments API.

Using your own Apple Pay integration

To use your own Apple Pay integration in Yuno, you must follow these steps:

Configure your Apple Pay credentials in the Dashboard:

Setup your Apple Pay and Card Routes

Select with which provider you are going to process payments originating from the Apple Pay wallet.

Get the cryptogram and make a payment

Once you have your credentials and routes created in Yuno, it's time to create the payment. Obtain the cryptogram returned by the Apple Pay SDK with your native integration and send that information directly to the payments API in the field payment_method.detail.wallet.cryptogram. Once done, you will be able to see the information directly in the Payments section of your Yuno dashboard, just like any other payment.