Step by Step Integration Process
In this section, you are going to follow a few steps to complete your integration with Yuno. After setting up your Yuno account, we will guide you on using the right SDK for you, reference the correct endpoints and integrate additional services. After these steps, you are ready to start using Yuno!
Before starting this section, you will need to decide the type of integration you are going to work on. For a better understanding of the features and capabilities that each integration brings, please refer to the Choose The Right Integration section.
Step 1: Integrate basic payment workflow
First things first. You need to integrate the basic workflow that allows you to create payments. This step will vary depending on which integration you decide to use. In this section you are going to find the links to the workflow explanation depending on the integration you chose, but as a summary, the general steps consists in:
- Create a customer
- Create a checkout session
- Show the payment methods available for the customer to chose from.
- Ask for the required information depending on the payment method.
- Create the payment
Full SDK
Lite SDK (Payment)
Lite SDK (Enrollment)
Secure Fields
Headless SDK (Payment)
Headless SDK (Enrollment)
Direct Workflow
Step 2: Implement refunds
[Optional] - Once you have your basic integration all set up, we recommend implementing refunds to take advantage of everything Yuno has to offer. By implementing the refunds endpoint to your system you will be able to refund total or partial transaction without leaving your environment. Remember that you can also execute refunds from the Yuno dashboard and that not all payment methods support refunds.
Step 3: Implement captures and cancels
[Optional] - To keep integrating Yuno's full capabilities into your system, we recommend implementing the cancel and capture endpoints. The Cancelations let you end on going transactions with a pending status (usually alternative payment methods with an asynchronous behaviour) and the Capture endpoint lets you capture pending/authorize payments made by a customer (usually credit card authorizations).
Step 4: Set up webhooks
[Optional] - Finally, we recommend configuring Webhooks in your Yuno Dashboard to keep up to date with your payment updates. Since the event notifications trigger automatically, your system won't need to perform recurrent requests to Yuno. You will process the payment information on demand.
Step 5: Test and go live!
Once you have integrated Yuno's SDK and implemented the basic features for a complete payment experience, all that is left is to test the integration (For example with Yuno Test Gateway for Credit cards), check that everything is working fine and start using your production Credentials after enabling you account for production.
Updated 12 days ago