Lite SDK (Enrollment iOS)

On this page, you will find all the steps to add, configure, and use the Lite iOS SDK to enroll payment methods in your iOS project.

Step 1: Include the library in your project

You can add the library using CocoaPods or Swift Package Manager.


To add the Yuno SDK to your iOS project, you need to install the Yuno SDK. If you do not have a Podfile, follow the CocoaPods guide to create one. After creating the Podfile, you will integrate the Yuno SDK with Cocoapods by adding the line below to your Podfile.

pod 'YunoSDK', '~> 1.1.22'

After, you need to run the installation:

pod install

Swift Package Manager

To add the Yuno SDK to your iOS project, you need to install the Swift Package Manager. With the Swift package set up, add Yuno SDK as a dependency, as presented in the following code block:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.1.17"))

Step 2: Enroll a new payment method

Yuno's iOS SDK provides an enrollment feature for payment methods integrated into Yuno. To display a view controller with the flow for integrating a new payment method, call the method presented in the following code snippet:

protocol YunoPaymentDelegate: AnyObject {

    var customerSession: String { get }
  	// The complete list of country codes is available on
    var countryCode: String { get }
    var language: String? { get }
    var viewController: UIViewController? { get }

    func yunoEnrollmentResult(_ result: Yuno.Result)

class ViewController: YunoEnrollmentDelegate {

    func startEnrollment() {
        Yuno.enrollPayment(with: self, showPaymentStatus: Bool)

The following table presents all the protocol requirements you have to provide and their descriptions.

customerSessionRefers to the current payment's customer session.
countryCodeThis parameter determines the country for which the payment process is being configured. The complete list of supported countries and their country code is available on the Country coverage page.
languageDefines the language to be used in the payment forms. You can set it to one of the available language options: es (Spanish), en (English), or pt (Portuguese).
yunoEnrollmentResult(\_ result: Yuno.Result)This method is called when the enrollment process is completed, providing the result of the enrollment as a parameter of type Yuno.Result.

The parametershowPaymentStatusis used to determine whether the payment status should be displayed. Passing trueas an argument will show the payment status while passing false indicates that the payment status should not be displayed.

The class ViewController is a subclass of UIViewController and conforms to the YunoEnrollmentDelegate protocol. It includes a function called enrollPayment(with delegate: YunoEnrollmentDelegate, showPaymentStatus: Bool), which parameters are described below:

  • delegate: YunoEnrollmentDelegate : The delegate object that handles enrollment callbacks.
  • showPaymentStatus: Bool: A Boolean flag that determines whether to display status views during the payment enrollment process.

The method enrollPayment initiates the payment enrollment process. You should call It in response to user interactions, such as pressing a button. The method utilizes the provided delegate to manage enrollment events and, based on the parameter showPaymentStatus decides whether to show visual feedback about the enrollment status.

Step 3: Enrollment status

This feature is for payment methods executing deep links

This feature is only used if you enroll in a payment method that executes deep links. If you are not enrolling in a payment method that executes deep links, you can ignore Step 3.

If you use a payment method that requires a deep link to return to your app, use the method described in the following code block to obtain the enrollment status in your AppDelegate. The url.scheme should be the same as the callback_url used when creating the customer_session.

func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
  // Here your scheme URL should be the same as the callback_url you set in the customer session
  guard url.scheme == "yunoexample" else { return false }
  return Yuno.receiveDeeplink(url, showStatusView: true)

Complementary Features

Yuno iOS SDK provides additional services and configurations you can use to improve customers' experience.

Render option

When presenting the enrollment, you can also choose one of the render options for the card form. You have the following options:


To change the render option, set the cardFormType equal one of the available options. Each option is presented below.

Step by step
One step


Control the use of the Loader.

SDK Customizations

Use the SDK Customizations to change the SDK appearance to match your brand.

Demo App

In addition to the code examples provided, you can access the Yuno repository for a complete implementation of Yuno iOS SDKs.