Headless SDK (Payment Web)

Yuno's Headless SDK lets you create payments. Note that when using the Headless SDK, you will need to request and send via API all the mandatory fields the payment provider requires to generate payment in their API. Yuno recommends using one of the other SDK implementations, such as Full, Lite, or Secure Fields, for more frictionless integration.

Yuno's Headless SDK enables you to create payments in two different scenarios:

  • Create a One-Time Use Token using credit card information, then create a payment.
  • Create a One-Time Use Token using a vaulted_token from a previously enrolled credit card, then create a payment.

The following steps describe creating a payment using Yuno's Headless SDK.

Step 1: Include the library in your project

The first step is to include the Yuno SDK script in your webpage before closing the <body> tag. See the example below:

<script src="https://sdk-web.y.uno/v1/static/js/main.min.js"></script>

Typescript library

If you are using Typescript, Yuno provides a library that you can use to see all available methods available in the Yuno Web SDK.

Step 2: Initialize Headless SDK with the public key

In your JavaScript application, create an instance of the Yuno class by providing a valid PUBLIC_API_KEY. If you don't have your API credentials, access the Developers (Credentials) page to check how to retrieve them from the dashboard.

The code block below presents an example of initializing the Yuno class and assigning it to the yunoconstant.

const yuno = Yuno.initialize(PUBLIC_API_KEY)

Step 3: Start the checkout process

Next, you will start the checkout process using the apiClientPayment function, providing the necessary configuration parameters. The following table lists all required parameters and their descriptions.

country_codeThis parameter determines the country for which the payment process is being configured. The complete list of supported countries and their country_code is available on the Country coverage page.
checkout_sessionRefers to the current payment's checkout session created using the Create Checkout Session endpoint.
Example: '438413b7-4921-41e4-b8f3-28a5a0141638'

The next code block presents an example of the parameter configuration.

const apiClientPayment = yuno.apiClientPayment({
     * The complete list of country_codes is available on https://docs.y.uno/docs/country-coverage-yuno-sdk
    country_code: "US",
		 * The checkout_session created using the following endpoint https://docs.y.uno/reference/create-checkout-session
    checkout_session: "eec6578e-ac2f-40a0-8065-25b5957f6dd3"

Step 4: Generate token

After collecting all user information, you can start the payment. First, you need to create an OTT using the function apiClientpayment.generateToken. As it is an asynchronous function, you can use try/catch to ensure you will correctly handle triggered errors. Below, you will find two examples of different scenarios to create the OTT:

  1. Example 1: Create an OTT utilizing a card as the payment method and including all requisite card information.
  2. Example 2: Create an OTT using the vaulted_token information.

Benefits of using a vaulted token

When you use a vaulted token with the SDK, all the fraud information from the providers you configured in your card routing is collected and attached to the OTT. In addition, you can add installment information and a security code if the provider requires it.

 * Create One-Time Token
 * This will trigger an error if data is missing.
 * You can catch it using a try/catch.
const oneTimeToken = await apiClientPayment.generateToken({
   * @optional: 
   * The checkout_session created using the following endpoint https://docs.y.uno/reference/create-checkout-session
  checkout_session: "eec6578e-ac2f-40a0-8065-25b5957f6dd3",
   * The necessary info to use the payment method structure
  payment_method: {
    type: "CARD",
     * @optional
     * Send this value if you already have a registered or enrolled payment method.
     * Other fields like card and customer are optional unless your provider requires them.
    vaulted_token: null,
    card: {
       * @optional
       * Set this value to “true” if you want to generate a vaulted_token (tokenize) the card.
      save: false,
      detail: {
        expiration_month: 11,
        expiration_year: 25,
        number: "4111111111111111",
        security_code: "123",
        holder_name: "ANDREA B",
        type: "DEBIT" or 'CREDIT',
       * @optional
       * Only necessary if an installment plan is created for the account.
      installment: {
        id: "64ceacef-0886-4c81-9779-b2b3029c4e8b",
        value: 1,
     * @optional
     * Customer information.
    customer: {
      // Add the complete customer object here.
      // You can check the object here: https://docs.y.uno/reference/the-customer-object
      // You create the customer using the following endpoint: https://docs.y.uno/reference/create-customer
     * @optional
     * Only necessary if a fraud screening configuration is created for the account.
    device_fingerprint: "0753b47f-bb43-86ab-647b-d735b67baac6",
     * @optional
     * Only necessary if a third-party configuration is created for the account.
    third_party_session_id: "QbJU2KolVUm1fhQR0s9qgrS0ArEQmEfE",

 * Create One-Time Token
 * This will trigger an error if data is missing.
 * You can catch it using a try/catch.
const oneTimeToken = await apiClientPayment.generateToken({
     * @optional: 
     * The checkout_session created using the following endpoint https://docs.y.uno/reference/create-checkout-session
    checkout_session: "eec6578e-ac2f-40a0-8065-25b5957f6dd3",
     * The necessary info to use the payment method structure
    payment_method: {
        type: "CARD",
         * @optional
         * Send this value if you already have a registered or enrolled payment method.
         * Other fields like card and customer are optional unless your provider requires them.
        vaulted_token: "aad8578e-ac2f-40a0-8065-25b5957f6555",
        card: {
            "detail": {
                security_code: "123",

             * @optional
             * Only necessary if an installment plan is created for the account.
            installment: {
                id: "64ceacef-0886-4c81-9779-b2b3029c4e8b",
                value: 1

PCI Compliance

Please bear in mind that you are capturing sensitive card data. Therefore, you need to comply with good practices regarding data management. If you don't have a PCI certification, you can't save any card data other than the token provided by the SDK.

The following code block presents the apiClientPayment.generateToken function responses for both examples above.

  token: 'ee78bc2a-63b4-45bb-bd28-3e6829ab1c3d',
  vaulted_token: null,
  vault_on_success: false,
  type: 'CARD',
  card_data: {
    holder_name: 'ANDREA B',
    iin: '41111111',
    lfd: '1111',
    number_length: 16,
    security_code_length: 3,
    brand: 'VISA',
    type: 'CREDIT',
    category: 'CREDIT',
    issuer_name: 'JPMORGAN CHASE BANK N A',
    issuer_code: null,
  customer: {
    first_name: 'Cesar',
    last_name: 'Sanchez',
    email: '[email protected]',
    gender: '',
    phone: null,
    billing_address: null,
    document: null,
    browser_info: {
        'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36',
      accept_header: '*/*',
      accept_content: '*/*',
      accept_browser: '*/*',
      color_depth: '24',
      screen_height: '1080',
      screen_width: '2560',
      javascript_enabled: true,
      java_enabled: false,
      browser_time_difference: '300',
      language: 'en-US',
    device_fingerprint: '19764508-c9df-a90b-a365-83b2d718c12e',
  installment: null,
  country: 'CO',

  token: 'ee78bc2a-63b4-45bb-bd28-3e6829ab1c3d',
  vaulted_token: aad8578e-ac2f-40a0-8065-25b5957f6555,
  vault_on_success: false,
  type: 'CARD',
  card_data: {
    holder_name: 'ANDREA B',
    iin: '41111111',
    lfd: '1111',
    number_length: 16,
    security_code_length: 3,
    brand: 'VISA',
    type: 'CREDIT',
    category: 'CREDIT',
    issuer_name: 'JPMORGAN CHASE BANK N A',
    issuer_code: null,
  customer: {
    first_name: 'Cesar',
    last_name: 'Sanchez',
    email: '[email protected]',
    gender: '',
    phone: null,
    billing_address: null,
    document: null,
    browser_info: {
        'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36',
      accept_header: '*/*',
      accept_content: '*/*',
      accept_browser: '*/*',
      color_depth: '24',
      screen_height: '1080',
      screen_width: '2560',
      javascript_enabled: true,
      java_enabled: false,
      browser_time_difference: '300',
      language: 'en-US',
    device_fingerprint: '19764508-c9df-a90b-a365-83b2d718c12e',
  installment: null,
  country: 'CO',

Step 5: Create the Payment

After receiving the OTT, you can create the payment using the Create Payment endpoint to get the final payment result. You will inform the OTT received in Step 4 through the request's payment_method.token parameter. The following code block presents a request example for creating a payment.

  "merchant_order_id": "0000022",
  "country": "US",
  "account_id": "<Your account_id>",
  "description": "Test",
  "amount": {
    "currency": "USD",
    "value": 500
  "customer_payer": {
    "id": "cfae0941-7234-427a-a739-ef4fce966c79"
  "checkout": {
    "session": "<checkout session>"
  "workflow": "SDK_CHECKOUT",
  "payment_method": {
    "token": "2cd31999-e44e-4de3-bbe4-179981ff4295"

The endpoint response provides the sdk_action_required parameter that defines if additional actions are necessary to conclude the payment:

  • If your customer selects a synchronous payment method, the payment is completed instantly. In this scenario, the field sdk_action_required in the API response will be false, and the payment process concludes at this step.
  • When an additional interaction of the SDK is needed to complete the payment flow, sdk_action_required will be true. If this is the case, you need to follow the instructions from Step 6.

Step 6: Get the 3DS challenge URL

As described on the 3DS Card Verification page, a payment with 3DS may require an additional challenge to check the customer's identity. If an additional verification step is necessary related to a 3DS verification challenge, the response to the Create Payment endpoint will have the following information:

  • A THREE_D_SECURE transaction type.
  • Status equal to PENDING and sub status equal to WAITING_ADDITIONAL_STEP.
  • The sdk_action_required set as true.

To get the 3DS challenge URL, you should call the getThreeDSecureChallenge function, providing the checkoutSession used to create the payment.

 * Get 3D Secure URL
 * This will trigger an error if there is missing data
 * You can catch it using a try/catch

const data = await apiClientPayment.getThreeDSecureChallenge(checkoutSession?: string): Promise<{url: string}>

In a web browser, you can open the URL in a new tab or an IFrame. To open the URL in an iframe, you must set the param embedded = true. If not, you can omit this parameter, whose default value is false. The next code block presents an example of displaying the 3DS challenge content in an IFrame.

 * Add or modify an iframe into your document

document.querySelector('#element').innerHTML = `
 * The iframe will send an event when the challenge is finished

window.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
   if (
        !event.origin.toLocaleLowerCase().includes('sdk-3ds') ||
        event?.data?.origin !== 'CHALLENGE'
   ) {
   document.querySelector('#element').innerHTML = ‘’
   if (event.data.status === 'ERROR') {
     document.querySelector('#element').innerHTML = ‘There was an error’
   } else {
     document.querySelector('#element').innerHTML = ‘Challenge was finished’

You are responsible for redirecting your customers to the URL provided by the redirect_url to complete the challenge. Once the customer successfully completes the 3DS challenge, they will be automatically redirected to the callback_url, which you provided when creating the checkout_session with the Create Checkout Session endpoint.

To complete the Headless SDK payment flow, you need to use Yuno Webhooks, which will promptly notify you about the outcome of the 3DS challenge and the final payment status. Using webhooks ensures that you receive real-time updates on the progress of the payment transaction. In addition to the webhooks, you can retrieve the payment information using the Retrieve Payment by ID endpoint.

Demo App

In addition to the code examples provided, you can access the Demo App for a complete implementation of Yuno SDKs.