Mercado Pago - API

This page presents all information related to the Mercado Pago connection using the API as payment. Use the following buttons to navigate to the desired section.

Connecting with Yuno

Mandatory fields when integrating via Yuno:

*The provider may request additional fields according to the merchant or to improve the approval rate.

General information





Minimum amount:

Credit card Mastercard, American Express, Naranja, Argencard, Cabal, Cencosud, Nativa Mastercard, Tarjeta Shopping: $ 1,00
Credit card Visa: $ 2,00
*Some credit cards don't accept installments of less than $ 1,00.

Credit card: R$ 0,50 *
MercadoPago card: R$ 0,50
*Minimum value can vary with the number of installments chosen. Observe that some credit cards don't accept installments of less than R$ 5,00.

Credit card: $ 1.000 *
Debit card Webpay: $ 950
Some credit cards don't accept installments of less than $ 1.000.

Credit card Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Diners: $ 1.000
Davivienda: $1.600

Credit card Banamex, Bancomer, Amex and BanCoppel*:
  • Less than 1 installment: $ 10.00
  • More than 1 installment: $ 5.00
Credit card Banorte, Santander, Ixe, HSBC, Mifel, Inbursa, BanRegio, BanBajío, Invex, Banco Ahorro Famsa, Afirme and others:
  • Between 3 and 6 installments: $ 300
  • Between 9 and 18 installments: $ 500
Debit card Visa and MasterCard: $ 5.00
*BanCoppel only applies 1 installment.

Credit and debit card: S/ 1.00

Debit card: $ 1,00
Credit card: $ 15,00

Maximum amount:

Credit card: $ 700.000,00

Credit card: R$ 60.000,00
MercadoPago card: R$ 60.000,00

Credit card: $ 7.000.000
Debit card Webpay: $ 3.000.000

Credit card Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Diners: $ 30.000.000
Credit card Crédito Fácil Codensa: $ 5.000.000
Davivienda: $ 150.000.000

Credit card and debit card Visa and MasterCard: $ 200,000.00

Credit and debit card: S/ 30,000

Credit card and debit card: $ 300.000,00

TRX Limit:

No, but it is important to inform the estimated volumes of a new integration in order to warn about the dimensioning to the tech teams, if necessary.

Support of international BIN:

Yes, supported for international credit and debit cards. The shopper pays the product's price on the sellers currency, and the conversion is done by the financial institution responsible for issuing the payment (the seller always recieves the financial transaction in the currency registered on their Mercado Pago account).

Activation of functionality:

There are many restrictions for international cards due to fraud prevention. Flexibilization for certain seller can be requested. Nevertheless, payment approval, even with the flexible motor, is very low due to bank rejection.

TRX without CVV:


Purchase TRX in 1-Step:

Supported in all countries.

Purchase TRX in 2-Step:

Supported in Argentina, Brasil, Mexico and Peru.

Support for recurrency:





Partial capture:

Fully supported in Brazil, Mexico and Peru.
Supported for Visa, Cabal, Master and American Express in Argentina.
Not supported in other countries.

Multiple captures:

Not supported.

Maximum time to capture an authorization:

Argentina: 7 days.
Brazil: 5 days.
Mexico: 7 days.
Peru: 22 days.

Captures over the amount of authorization:

Not supported.


Refund support:

Supported in all countries.

Partial refunds:

Supported in all countries.

Multiple refunds:

Supported in all countries.

Time to request refund:

Within 180 days of its approval date.

Time to process refund:

Argentina: 5-44 working days
Brazil: 7-10 working days
Chile: 10-13 working days
Colombia: 10-13 working days
Mexico: 3-31 working days
Peru: 7-9 working days
Uruguay: 5-44 working days


Void support:

Supported in all countries.

Void to authorization:


Void to refund:



Capability to define the installments when creating the payment:


GET endpoint available for retrieving the permitted BIN for the installments:

Yes, the API is payment_methods/installments.

Possibility to choose who will be responsible for financing installments:

This configuration is requested in the previous commercial agreement between MercadoPago and the Merchant.

Deferral date availability:

No. The days of liberation of the money can be negotiated with the merchant.

Grace period:


Minimum number of installments (#months):

Depends on the configuration based on the commercial agreement between the merchant and Mercado Pago. Regardless, each country has its "standard" configuration.

Maximum number of installments (#months):

Depends on the configuration based on the commercial agreement between the merchant and Mercado Pago. Regardless, each country has its "standard" configuration.


Notifications of chargebacks:


Defined period to make a chargeback:

In general, the buyer has up to 90 days, but there are exceptions.

Endpoint for disputes:

Yes, the chargeback API.

Maximum time to dispute a chargeback (provide evidence):

Argentina: 7 days
Brazil: 10 days
Chile: 7 days
Colombia: 7 days
Mexico: 7 days
Peru: 7 days
Uruguay: 7 days


E3DS v2:

Work in progress.

Testing guidelines for sandbox environment

Necessary fields for testing:

Public Key and Access Token

Requirements to create a sandbox payment:

To create a payment on the sandbox environment you need to use an email ending with, such as [email protected].

Test cards Argentina:

Card Number Security code Expiration date
Mastercard 5031755734530604 123 11/25
Visa 4509953566233704 123 11/25
American Express 371180303257522 1234 11/25

Test cards Brazil:

Card Number Security code Expiration date
Mastercard 5031433215406351 123 11/25
Visa 4235647728025682 123 11/25
American Express 375365153556885 1234 11/25

Test cards Chile:

Card Number Security code Expiration date
Mastercard 5416752602582580 123 11/25
Visa 4168818844447115 123 11/25
American Express 375778174461804 1234 11/25

Test cards Colombia:

Card Number Security code Expiration date
Mastercard 5254133674403564 123 11/25
Visa 4013540682746260 123 11/25
American Express 374378187755283 1234 11/25

Test cards Mexico:

Card Number Security code Expiration date
Visa 4075595716483764 123 11/25

Test cards Peru:

Card Number Security code Expiration date
Mastercard 5031755734530604 123 11/25
Visa 4009175332806176 123 11/25
American Express 371180303257522 1234 11/25

Test cards Uruguay:

Card Number Security code Expiration date
Mastercard 5031755734530604 123 11/25
Visa 4509953566233704 123 11/25

Limitations/ Specifications for testing:

To test different payment results, fill in the desired status in the cardholder's name:
Payment Status Description
APRO Approved payment
OTHE Declined for general error
CONT Pending payment
CALL Declined with validation to authorize
FUND Declined for insufficient amount
SECU Declined for invalid security code
EXPI Declined due to due date issue
FORM Declined due to form error

Identity document for APRO and OTHE payment status:
Argentina: DNI of the test user
Brazil: (CPF) 12345678909
Chile: (otro) 123456789
Colombia: 123456789
Mexico: -
Peru: 123456789
Uruguay: (CI) 12345678 (otro) 123456789

Integration configuration

Credentials and steps to obtain them:

They can be found on the Dashboard or in your Mercado Pago account by accessing Your Business > Settings > Management and Administration > Credentials.
Test credentials: Public Key, Access Token
Production credentials: Public Key, Access Token, Client ID, Client Secret

Dashboard configuration:

  1. Log in to
  2. Click Connections and then select Mercado Pago.
  3. Click Connect.
  4. Introduce Name and Country
  5. Select Card as Payment Method
  6. Introduce the Access Token
  7. Configure Settings
  8. Click Connect

Configuration of webhooks in partner:

Via dashboard:
  1. Create an application on the homepage of your Dashboard.
  2. With the application created, go to the Webhooks Notifications tab in your Dashboard and configure the URLs of production and test from which notifications will be received.
  3. You will also be able to experiment and test if the indicated URL is receiving notifications correctly, being able to verify the request, the response given by the server and the description of the event.
  4. If you need to identify multiple accounts, at the end of the indicated URL you can indicate the parameter ?customer=(sellername) endpoint to identify the sellers.
  5. Next, select the events from which you will receive notifications in json format via an HTTP POST to the URL specified above. An event is any type of update to the reported object, including status or attribute changes.
Setup while creating payments:
  1. In the notification_url field, indicate the URL from which notifications will be received.
  2. Implement the notifications receiver.
If you want to receive notifications only from Webhook and not from IPN, you can add in the notification_url the parameter source_news=webhook. For example:

Note: When you receive a notification on your platform, Mercado Pago waits for a response to validate that you received it correctly. For that, you must return an HTTP STATUS 200 (OK) or 201 (CREATED). If this response is not sent, it will be understood that you have not received the notification and a further attempt to send it will be made until you submit the response.

Production environment

Specific procedure for a merchant to go live:

If the merchant is part of a group of corporations that Mercado Pago follows-up punctually, a call to validate the integration should be made, the test payments in Mercado Pago's system should ve revised, thinking on a progressive roll-out method, etc.