Banco do Brasil - Boleto

This page presents all information related to the Banco do Brasil connection using Boleto as the payment method. Use the following buttons to navigate to the desired section.

Connecting with Yuno

Mandatory fields when integrating via Yuno:


General information





Payment methods:

Credit card

Minimum amount:

0,01 BRL

Type of integration:


Purchase TRX:

For the Boleto, you receive a barcode and its numerical representation when creating a payment. This data must be available on the ticket (Boleto). The customer can print the Boleto and use it to complete the transaction in person or scan the barcode with their bank app to perform the payment.

Support for recurrency:





Refund support:


Partial refunds:


Multiple refund:



Void support:



Installments support:



Notifications of chargebacks:


Testing guidelines for sandbox environment

Necessary fields for testing:

Developer App Key
Client ID
Client Secret
Número de Convênio (3128557 can be used for testing)

Limitations/Specification for testing:

To simulate the payment of a Boleto, Banco do Brasil provides an endpoint in the sandbox environment, available in the Postman collection under Simular pagoBoleto. The only required data for this endpoint is the linhaDigitavel, which is included in the response to the Purchase endpoint and corresponds to the numerical representation of the barcode.

Integration configuration

Credentials and steps to obtain them:

  1. Request access to Banco do Brasil's dashboard from their support team.
  2. After gaining access, click on Criar nova aplicação and configure your application as needed.
  3. After creating and configuring your application, go to Credenciais in the left menu. There, you'll find your Developer Application Key, Client ID, and Client Secret.
  4. To obtain the Número de Convênio, request this information from the Banco do Brasil support team.

Dashboard configuration:

  1. Log in to
  2. Click Connections and then select Banco do Brasil.
  3. Click Connect.
  4. Introduce Developer App Key, CNPJ, Client ID, Client Secret and Número do Convênio.
  5. Click Connect

Production Environment

Specific procedure for a merchant to go live:

In both SBX and PROD environments, create an application in the Banco do Brasil dashboard. The application configuration determines which APIs are available and other settings tied to its credentials. After testing in SBX, follow this process to deploy it to PROD:
  1. Select the application you want to send to production.
  2. On the menu located to the left-hand size, select the Produção option.
  3. Fill in the CNPJ of the company you want to link the application to and click on Pesquisar CNPJ. The system will display the identification of the selected company. Check that the information is correct and click on Próximo.
  4. Review your application data and click on Solicitar Produção.
  5. Next, an Adhesion Form will appear. The representative must read and sign it if they agree with the terms. Once signed, the production credentials will be activated in the Credenciais area and will be visible to the Developer and the application's team members.

Updated 6 days ago