Chargeback response codes

A chargeback reason code is a short alphanumeric code assigned by the issuing bank to explain why a customer disputed a transaction. These codes help merchants understand the issue and respond accordingly. While merchants can challenge chargebacks by providing evidence, the reason code might change if new information arises during the dispute process. Major card networks like Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, and Diners each have their own set of reason codes.

The following table shows the possible reason codes for each Chargeback that you'll find in each transaction. You'll be able to find the associated response_code in each transaction webhook. Also, in each chargeback transaction you'll find the raw reason code from the card schemes.

Reason codeResponse_codeResponse_messageDescription
F01EMV_LIABILITY_SHIFT_COUNTERFEITEMV Liability Shift Counterfeit FraudCategory: Fraud. The cardholder is claiming that they did not authorize or participate in a transaction that you processed.
F02EMV_LIABILITY_SHIFT_NOT_COUNTERFEITEMV Liability Shift Non-Counterfeit FraudCategory: Fraud. The cardholder is claiming that they did not authorize or participate in a transaction that you processed.
F03CARD_PRESENT_FRAUDOther Fraud – Card-Present EnvironmentCategory: Fraud. The cardholder is claiming that they did not authorize or participate in a key-entered or unattended transaction conducted in a card-present environment.
F04NON_CARD_PRESENT_FRAUDOther Fraud – Card-Absent EnvironmentCategory: Fraud. The cardholder did not authorize or participate in a transaction conducted in a card-not-present environment, such as internet, mail-order, phone-order, and others.
F05SCHEME_MONITORING_PROGRAMOther Fraud - Scheme Monitoring ProgramCategory: Fraud. Scheme Fraud Monitoring program
A01NO_AUTHORIZATIONNo AuthorizationCategory: Authorization. Correct and valid authorization was not obtained by the merchant.
A02DECLINED_AUTHORIZATIONDeclined AuthorizationCategory: Authorization. Authorization request received a Decline response and the merchant completed the transaction.
P01LATE_PRESENTMENTLate PresentmentCategory: Processing Errors. The transaction was not sent within the timeframe required.
P02INCORRECT_TRANSACTION_CODEIncorrect Transaction CodeCategory: Processing Errors. The cardholder is claiming that the converted amount of charge on an international transaction is incorrect.
P03INCORRECT_CURRENCYIncorrect CurrencyCategory: Processing Errors. The merchant made one or more errors related to the transaction currency.
P04INCORRECT_ACCOUNT_NUMBERIncorrect Account NumberCategory: Processing Errors. The account number in the authorization does not match the account number used in the transaction.
P05INCORRECT_AMOUNTIncorrect AmountCategory: Processing Errors. The cardholder is claiming that the amount they agreed to pay differs from the amount charged.
P06DUPLICATE_PROCESSINGDuplicate Processing/Paid by Other MeansCategory: Processing Errors. A single transaction was processed two or more times.
P07INVALID_DATAInvalid DataCategory: Processing Errors. The authorization was obtained using invalid or incorrect data.
C01PRODUCT_OR_SERVICE_NOT_RECEIVEDMerchandise/Services Not ReceivedCategory: Customer Disputes. The cardholder is claiming that merchandise or services that they ordered were not received.
C02CANCELED_RECURRING_TRANSACTIONCancelled Recurring TransactionCategory: Customer Disputes. A recurring transaction was processed after it was cancelled.
C03PRODUCT_OR_SERVICE_ISSUENot as Described or Defective Merchandise/ServicesCategory: Customer Disputes. The cardholder is claiming the goods were not as described.
C04COUNTERFEIT_MERCHANDISECounterfeit MerchandiseCategory: Customer Disputes. The merchandise was identified as counterfeit.
C05MISREPRESENTATIONMisrepresentationCategory: Customer Disputes. The cardholder’s bank received a notice from the cardholder is claiming misrepresented terms of sale.
C06CREDIT_NOT_PROCESSEDCredit Not ProcessedCategory: Customer Disputes. The cardholder’s bank received a notice from the cardholder claiming that they received authorization, credit or voided transaction receipt that has not been processed.
C07PRODUCT_OR_SERVICE_CANCELEDCancelled Merchandise/ServicesCategory: Customer Disputes. The cardholder’s bank received a notice from the cardholder stating that they returned merchandise or cancelled services, but the credit has not appeared on the cardholder’s statement.
C08ORIGINAL_TRANSACTION_NOT_ACCEPTEDOriginal Credit Transaction Not AcceptedCategory: Customer Disputes. The original credit was not accepted.
C09CASH_TRANSACTION_VALUENon-Receipt of Cash or Load Transaction ValueCategory: Customer Disputes. Cardholder did not receive the full cash withdrawal at an ATM.