This object represents the payout created after generating a transaction to transfer funds from your account to another account or recipient.
id string
The unique identifier of the payout (MAX 64 ; MIN 36).
Example: 5404911d-5df9-429e-8488-ad41abea1a4b
account_id string
The unique identifier of the account (MAX 64 ; MIN 36).
Example: 2404911d-5df9-429e-8488-ad41abea1a4b
status enum
The status of the Payout (MAX 255; MIN 3).
merchant_reference string
The unique identifier of the customer's order (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: 4234
description string
The description of the payout (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: marketplace payment
purpose enum
Indicates the purpose for the payout.
Possible enum values: Check the Purpose list.
country enum
Country where the transaction must be processed (MAX 2; MIN 2; ISO 3166-1).
Possible enum values: Check the Country reference.
amount object
Specifies the payout amount object, with the value and currency.
value number
The payout amount (multiple of 0.0001).
Example: 10000
currency enum
The currency used to make the payout (MAX 3; MIN 3; ISO 4217).
Possible enum values: Check the Country reference.
beneficiary object
Specifies the beneficiary object with their identification.
merchant_beneficiary_id string
Unique identifier of the beneficiary defined by the merchant.
Example: AAAA01
national_entity enum
Beneficiary's national entity type.
Possible enum values: INDIVIDUAL
first_name string
The beneficiary's first name (MAX 80; MIN 1).
Example: John
last_name string
The beneficiary's last name (MAX 80; MIN 1).
Example: Doe
legal_name string
The beneficiary's name (Max: 80). Only necessary when national_entity
Example: Arcos dorados S.A.
email string
The beneficiary's email (MAX 255; MIN 3).
country enum
The beneficiary's country (MAX 2; MIN 2; ISO 3166-1).
Possible enum values: Check the Country reference.
date_of_birth date
The beneficiary's date of birth in the YYYY-MM-DD format (MAX 10; MIN 10).
Example: 1990-02-28
document object
Specifies the beneficiary's document object, including its number and type.
document_number string
The beneficiary's document number (MAX 40; MIN 3).
Example: 1093333333
document_type enum
The beneficiary's document type (MAX 6, MIN 2).
Possible enum values: Check the Country reference.
phone object
Specifies the beneficiary's phone number object.
country_code string
The country calling code of the beneficiary's phone (MAX 3; MIN 1). Possible values: Check the
Country reference.
Example: 57
number string
The beneficiary's phone number, without the country calling code (MAX 32; MIN 1).
Example: 3132450765
address object
Specifies the beneficiary's address object.
address_line_1 string
The beneficiary's primary address line (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Calle 34 # 56 - 78
address_line_2 string
The beneficiary's secondary address line (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Apartamento 502, Torre I
city string
The city considered for the beneficiary address (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Bogotá
country enum
The country of the beneficiary address (MAX 2; MIN 2; ISO 3166-1).
Possible enum values: Check the Country reference.
state string
The beneficiary's state or province address (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Cundinamarca
zip_code string
The zipcode considered for the beneficiary address (MAX 11; MIN 4).
Example: 111111
withdrawal_method object
Specifies the beneficiary's withdrawal_method object.
type enum
The withdrawal_method type.
provider_id enum
The provider to process the payout with.
vaulted_token string
The vaulted_token represents a securely stored payment_method. Mainly for credti/debit cards in Payouts.
Example: 41032411d-5df9-429e-1238-ad41abea1cft
original_transaction_id string
Id of the referenced payment transaction. Only for payouts to CARD. (MAX 64 ; MIN 36).
Example: 9104911d-5df9-429e-8488-ad41abea1a4b
on_hold bool
Defines if the merchant wants to hold the payout and sets it to be processed later using the Release payout endpoint. False by default.
Example: false
detail object
Specifies the withdrawal_method details.
bank_transfer object
Specifies the beneficiary's withdrawal_method object.
code string
The beneficiary's financial institution code (MAX 3; MIN 3).
Example: 246
branch string
The beneficiary's specific financial institution branch (MAX 3; MIN 3).
Example: XXX
branch_digit string
The beneficiary's specific financial institution branch digit (MAX 3; MIN 3).
Example: 123
account object
Specifies the beneficiary's bank_transfer account object.
number string
Beneficiary's financial institution account number or financial institution account alias, such as Clabe
for MX (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: 1093333333
digit string
Beneficiary's financial institution account digit (MAX 3; MIN 1).
Example: 123
type enum
Beneficiary's account type (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Possible enum values: CHECKINGS
address object
Specifies the beneficiary's address object.
address_line_1 string
The beneficiary's primary address line (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Calle 34 # 56 - 78
address_line_2 string
The beneficiary's secondary address line (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Apartamento 502, Torre I
city string
The city considered for the beneficiary address (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Bogotá
country enum
The country of the beneficiary address (MAX 2; MIN 2; ISO 3166-1).
Possible enum values: Check the Country reference.
state string
The beneficiary's state or province address (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Cundinamarca
zip_code string
The zipcode considered for the beneficiary address (MAX 11; MIN 4).
Example: 111111
wallet object
Specifies the beneficiary's withdrawal_method object.
code string
The beneficiary's wallet code (MAX 3; MIN 3).
Example: 246
email string
The beneficiary's specific wallet email (MAX 3; MIN 3).
country enum
The beneficiary's wallet country (MAX 2; MIN 2; ISO 3166-1).
Possible enum values: Check the Country reference.
document object
Specifies the beneficiary's document object, including its number and type.
document_number string
The beneficiary's document number (MAX 40; MIN 3).
Example: 1093333333
document_type enum
The beneficiary's document type (MAX 6, MIN 2).
Possible enum values: Check the Country reference.
phone object
Specifies the beneficiary's phone number object.
country_code string
The country calling code of the beneficiary's phone (MAX 3; MIN 1). Possible values: Check the
Country reference.
Example: 57
number string
The beneficiary's phone number, without the country calling code (MAX 32; MIN 1).
Example: 3132450765
transactions array of objects
Specifies a list of payouts objects.
id string
The unique identifier for the payout intent (MAX 64 ; MIN 36).
Example: 9104911d-5df9-429e-8488-ad41abea1a4b
type enum
The payout intent type (MAX 255; MIN 3).
status enum
The payout intent status (MAX 255; MIN 3).
response_code enum
The response code indicates the status of the payout intent request (MAX 255; MIN 3).
merchant_reference string
The payout transaction identification defined by the merchant (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: AAB01-432245
amount object
Specifies the payout amount object, with the value and currency.
value number
The payout amount (multiple of 0.0001).
Example: 10000
currency enum
The currency used to make the payout (MAX 3; MIN 3; ISO 4217).
Possible enum values: Check the Country reference.
purpose enum
Specifies the purpose for the payout.
description string
Description for the payout (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Salary
provider_data object
Specifies the data provider.
id enum
The data provider identification.
Possible values: ADDI
transaction_id string
The unique identifier of the payment from the provider.
Example: 12345678
account_id string
The merchant's payment provider account id.
Example: 9990128
status string
Provider's status of the transaction (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: accredited
status_detail string
The data provider's detailed status of the transaction (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: approved
raw_response string
The data provider raw response. The format depends on the provider's response.
The response will vary for each data provider.
created_at timestamp
Transactions creation date (MAX 27; MIN 27, ISO
Example: 2022-05-09T20:46:54.786342Z
updated_at timestamp
The last transactions update date (MAX 27; MIN 27, ISO
Example: 2022-05-09T20:46:54.786342Z
metadata array of objects
Specifies a list of metadata objects. You can add up to 50 metadata objects.
metadata object object
Specifies a metadata key and the respective value.
key string
The metadata key (MAX 48 ; MIN 1).
Example: order_id
value string
The metadata key value (MAX 512 ; MIN 1).
Example: AA001
created_at timestamp
Transactions creation date (MAX 27; MIN 27, ISO 8601).
Example: 2022-05-09T20:46:54.786342Z
updated_at timestamp
The last transactions update date (MAX 27; MIN 27, ISO
Example: 2022-05-09T20:46:54.786342Z