ECI indicators list

An Electronic Commerce Indicator (ECI) is a response code used in 3D Secure transactions, specifically in EMV 3D Secure. It helps merchants determine the next steps to take in a transaction — proceed, reject the purchase, or try again. Below you will find the possible responses and ECI values you can receive.

Successful authentication

The card issuer has successfully verified the cardholder's identity and validated the EMV 3Ds protocol. Consequently, the transaction is authorized to proceed, and all parties can benefit from the security and safeguards provided by 3DS.

Successful authentication codes
Card type ECI indicator
Visa Secure 05
Mastercard IdentityCheck 02
JC J/Secure 2.0 05
American Express SafeKey 2.0 05
Discover ProtectBuy 2.0 05
Elo 3DS 05
eftpos* 05
Carte Bancaires Fast'r 05 / 02
UnionPay International* 05 / 02
ITMX (LSS) Local Switch Secure 05 / 02

Attempted authentication

The issuer's authentication service is currently unavailable. A merchant will receive this message when the customer is not enrolled in 3DS. This response serves as evidence that the merchant attempted authentication and fulfilled their due diligence as required by 3DS regulations.

Attempted authentication codes
Card type ECI indicator
Visa Secure 06
Mastercard IdentityCheck 01
JC J/Secure 2.0 06
American Express SafeKey 2.0 06
Discover ProtectBuy 2.0 06
Elo 3DS 06
eftpos* 06
Carte Bancaires Fast'r 06 / 01
UnionPay International* 06 / 01
ITMX (LSS) Local Switch Secure 06 / 01

Failed authentication

The issuer encountered challenges and could not authenticate the cardholder due to various factors. These may include instances where incorrect information was provided during the authentication process or when the cardholder themselves chose to cancel the authentication page. Other unspecified reasons could also contribute to the issuer's inability to complete the authentication successfully.

Failed authentication codes
Card type ECI indicator
Visa Secure 07
Mastercard IdentityCheck 00
JC J/Secure 2.0 07
American Express SafeKey 2.0 07
Discover ProtectBuy 2.0 07
Elo 3DS 07
eftpos* 07
Carte Bancaires Fast'r 07 / 00
UnionPay International* 07 / 00
ITMX (LSS) Local Switch Secure 07 / 00

Not permitted authentication

The authentication request encountered obstacles that prevented its completion for various reasons. These reasons may include the exclusion of the card type from authentication attempts, the inability of the ACS (Access Control Server) to process the authentication request message or other unspecified factors. As a result, the authentication process could not be allowed to proceed.

Not permitted authentication codes
Card type Supported Version(s)
Visa Secure 07
Mastercard IdentityCheck 00
JC J/Secure 2.0 07
American Express SafeKey 2.0 07
Discover ProtectBuy 2.0 07
Elo 3DS 07
eftpos* 07
Carte Bancaires Fast'r 07 / 00
UnionPay International* 07 / 00
ITMX (LSS) Local Switch Secure 07 / 00

eftpos: Although cobranded, transactions made through eftpos will receive ECI codes of 05/06/07, indicating the possible outcomes of authentication attempts.

UnionPay International: Transactions falling within the BIN ranges overlapping with UnionPay International will receive both ECI values - 05/06/07 and 02/01/00. These values signify different authentication results.