Reports Fields

In this section, you can find all report types and related fields available when generating your reports. Take into account the description of the fields, where you can find the origin of the data and its availability.

Yuno provides four report types:

Below, you will find details of each report type.


The report fields are subject to modifications, and new fields can be added to the end of the current structure.

Payment report

Payment report field details
Parameter Type Description Example
account_id string The unique identifier of the account (MAX 64; MIN 36). 64143128-dd12-11ec-9d64-0242ac120002
airline_leg_arrival_airport string Code of the destination airport for the flight leg. JFK
airline_leg_base_fare number Base fare of the flight leg before taxes and fees. 250
airline_leg_base_fare_currency enum Currency in which the base fare is charged (ISO 4217). USD
airline_leg_carrier_code string Airline carrier code for the flight leg. AA
airline_leg_departure_airport string Code of the departure airport for the flight leg. LAX
airline_leg_departure_datetime datetime Date and time of the flight departure. 2024-09-12 15:30
airline_leg_fare_basis_code string Code defining fare rules for the ticket. Y26HNR
airline_leg_fare_class_code string Class code of the ticket (e.g., economy, business). Y
airline_leg_flight_number string Number of the flight for the specific leg. 100
airline_leg_stopover_code enum Indicates if the flight has a stopover (Y/N). N
airline_passenger_country string Country of residence of the passenger. US
airline_passenger_date_of_birth date Passenger's date of birth. 1990-05-14
airline_passenger_document_number string Number of the passenger's identification document. A12345678
airline_passenger_document_type enum Type of identification document (e.g., passport, ID card). PASSPORT
airline_passenger_email string Email address of the passenger. [email protected]
airline_passenger_first_name string First name of the passenger. John
airline_passenger_last_name string Last name of the passenger. Doe
airline_passenger_loyalty_number string Loyalty program number of the passenger. 123456789
airline_passenger_loyalty_tier enum Tier level of the passenger's loyalty program (e.g., Gold, Platinum). Gold
airline_passenger_middle_name string Middle name of the passenger (if applicable). Andrew
airline_passenger_nationality string Nationality of the passenger. US
airline_passenger_phone_country_code string Country code for the passenger's phone number. 1
airline_passenger_phone_number string Passenger's phone number. 555-1234
airline_passenger_type enum Type of passenger (e.g., adult, child, infant). Adult
airline_ticket_e_ticket boolean Indicates if the ticket is electronic (true/false). TRUE
airline_ticket_issue_address string Address where the ticket was issued. 123 Main St
airline_ticket_issue_carrier_prefix_code string Carrier prefix code for the issuing airline. 1
airline_ticket_issue_city string City where the ticket was issued. New York
airline_ticket_issue_country string Country where the ticket was issued. US
airline_ticket_issue_date date Date when the ticket was issued. 2024-09-10
airline_ticket_issue_travel_agent_code string Code of the travel agent who issued the ticket. TA123
airline_ticket_issue_travel_agent_name string Name of the travel agent who issued the ticket. John Doe Travel
airline_ticket_issue_zip_code string Postal code where the ticket was issued. 10001
airline_ticket_restricted boolean Indicates if the ticket has restrictions (true/false). FALSE
airline_ticket_ticket_number string Unique number assigned to the ticket. 1234567890123
airline_ticket_total_fare_amount number Total amount paid for the ticket. 300
airline_ticket_total_fee_amount number Total additional fees applied to the ticket. 50
airline_ticket_total_tax_amount number Total taxes applied to the ticket. 25
amount_value number The payment amount (multiple of 0.0001). 111111
bank_name string Name of the bank associated with the transaction. Wells Fargo
beneficiary_name string Name of the beneficiary for the transaction or payment. Jane Doe
browser_info_accept_header string The 'accept' header sent by the browser. text/html
browser_info_color_depth number Color depth supported by the browser's display (in bits). 24
browser_info_javascript_enabled boolean Indicates if JavaScript is enabled in the browser. TRUE
browser_info_language string Default language set in the browser. en-US
browser_info_screen_height number Height of the browser screen in pixels. 1080
browser_info_screen_width number Width of the browser screen in pixels. 1920
browser_info_user_agent string User agent string representing the browser and operating system. Mozilla/5.0
captured number Indicates the total amount captured for payment. 1000.00
card_brand string Brand of the card used in the transaction (e.g., Visa, MasterCard). Visa
card_category string Category of the card (e.g., credit, debit). Credit
card_holder_name string Name of the cardholder. John Doe
card_iin string Issuer Identification Number (IIN) for the card (first 6 digits). 123456
card_issuer_code string Code identifying the card issuer. CITI123
card_issuer_name string Name of the bank or institution issuing the card. Citi Bank
card_lfd number Last four digits of the card number. 7890
card_type enum Type of card (e.g., credit, debit). Credit
checkout_session string Unique identifier for the checkout session. ch_sess_12345
country enum The country where the transaction must be processed (MAX 2; MIN 2; ISO 3166-1). US
created_at timestamp The payment creation date (MAX 27; MIN 27; ISO 8601). 2022-05-09T20:46:54.786342Z
currency enum The currency used to make the payment (MAX 3; MIN 3; ISO 4217). COP
customer_first_name string The customer's first name (MAX 255; MIN 1). John
customer_id string The unique identifier of the customer (MAX 255; MIN 3). 23456
customer_last_name string The customer's last name (MAX 255; MIN 1). Doe
customer_payer_phone_country_code number The customer's country code (MAX 3; MIN 2). 52
customer_payer_phone_number number The customer's phone number (MAX 255; MIN 1). 3313873320
date_of_birth date Date of birth of the individual. 1985-07-28
description string The description of the payment (MAX 255; MIN 3). Order1234
device_fingerprint string Unique identifier for the device used in the transaction. df_987654321
document_number string Document number of the individual. A98765432
document_type enum Type of document (e.g., ID card, passport). ID
email string The customer's e-mail (MAX 255; MIN 3). [email protected]
gender enum Gender of the individual. Male
installments number Number of installments for the payment. 6
ip_address string The customer's IP address (MAX 255; MIN 3). 2806:103e:2a:414
merchant_customer_id enum A unique identifier assigned by a merchant to represent a specific customer (MAX 255; MIN 3). 9440127422
merchant_order_id string The identification of the order (MAX 255; MIN 3). 123456789
nationality string Nationality of the individual. US
order_fee_amount number Total fees applied to the order. 10
order_item_brand string Brand of the item in the order. Nike
order_item_category string Category of the item in the order. Shoes
order_item_id string Unique identifier for the item in the order. item_12345
order_item_manufacture_part_number string Manufacturer's part number for the item. MP56789
order_item_name string Name of the item in the order. Air Max 2024
order_item_quantity number Quantity of the item in the order. 2
order_item_sku_code string SKU code of the item in the order. SKU98765
order_item_unit_amount number Unit price of the item. 150
order_shipping_amount number Shipping cost for the order. 20
payment_callback_url string A URL endpoint provided by the merchant.
payment_id string A unique identifier assigned to a specific payment transaction. 69ad0a39-b769-423c-b223-d7b8bf
payment_seller_details_address_city string City of the seller's address. Miami
payment_seller_details_address_country string Country of the seller's address. US
payment_seller_details_address_line_1 string First line of the seller's address. 456 Market St
payment_seller_details_address_line_2 string Second line of the seller's address. Apt 202
payment_seller_details_address_state string State or province of the seller's address. FL
payment_seller_details_address_zip_code string Postal code of the seller's address. 33101
payment_seller_details_country string Country where the seller is based. US
payment_seller_details_document_number string Document number of the seller. 98765432
payment_seller_details_document_type enum Type of document for the seller (e.g., ID, passport). ID
payment_seller_details_email string Seller's email address. [email protected]
payment_seller_details_industry string The industry to which the seller belongs. Retail
payment_seller_details_name string Name of the seller. Best Store
payment_seller_details_phone_code string Country code for the seller's phone number. 1
payment_seller_details_phone_number string Seller's phone number. 123-456-7890
payment_seller_details_reference string Internal reference for the seller. ref_789456
payment_seller_details_web_site string Seller's website URL.
payment_tax_base number Base amount used to calculate tax. 100
payment_tax_percentage number Percentage of tax applied to the transaction. 10
payment_tax_type string Type of tax applied (e.g., VAT, GST). VAT
payment_tax_value number The calculated tax amount. 10
payment_workflow string Workflow used for the payment process. standard
pnr string Passenger Name Record (PNR) reference.
provider_number integer The ticket's number. 13141
refunded number The payment amount that has been refunded. 10000
sdk_action_required boolean A boolean field that indicates whether additional action is needed from the customer or merchant. TRUE
status enum The status of the payment (MAX 255; MIN 3). SUCCEEDED
sub_status enum The substatus of the payment (MAX 255; MIN 3). APPROVED
subscription_id string A unique identifier assigned to a recurring subscription or billing agreement. 111aaa222
updated_at timestamp The date and time of the last update for the payment. 2022-05-15T20:46:54.786342Z

Transaction report

Transaction report field details
Parameter Type Description Example
account_id string Unique identifier for the account (MAX 64; MIN 36). 2c05976d-f696-497f-a309-6421883de48d
account_integration_id string Unique identifier of the account integration (MAX 64; MIN 36). 6a0f939c-0cd1-4350-acbc-b0cbdbee9739
amount number Amount of the transaction (MAX 10000; MIN 0). 887
authorization_code string Authorization code for the transaction (MAX 6; MIN 6). 161058
bank_name string Name of the bank involved in the transaction (MAX 100; MIN 3). Bank ABC
bank_transfer_account string Bank transfer account details (MAX 255; MIN 3). 12345678901234567
bank_transfer_account_2 string Secondary bank transfer account details (MAX 255; MIN 3). 76543210987654321
bank_transfer_account_type enum Type of the bank transfer account (MAX 20; MIN 3). Checking
bank_transfer_payment_instruction string Instructions for bank transfer payments (MAX 255; MIN 3). Payment to be completed within 48 hours.
beneficiary_document string Document identifier of the beneficiary (MAX 20; MIN 5). 123456789
beneficiary_document_type enum Document type of the beneficiary (MAX 10; MIN 3). Passport
beneficiary_name string Full name of the beneficiary (MAX 255; MIN 3). John Doe
capture boolean Indicates if the transaction is captured. TRUE
card_brand string Brand of the card used (MAX 50; MIN 2). VISA
card_category string Category of the card used (MAX 50; MIN 2). CLASSIC
card_holder_name string Name of the cardholder (MAX 255; MIN 3). Jane Doe
card_iin string Issuer Identification Number (IIN) of the card (MAX 8; MIN 6). 49296404
card_issuer_code string Code of the card issuer (MAX 50; MIN 2). BCO001
card_issuer_name string Name of the card issuer (MAX 100; MIN 3). Bank ABC
card_lfd string Last four digits of the card number (MAX 4; MIN 4). 1228
card_number_length number Length of the card number (MAX 19; MIN 12). 16
card_security_code_length number Length of the card security code (MAX 4; MIN 3). 3
card_type enum Type of card used (CREDIT or DEBIT). CREDIT
card_expiration_month number Card expiration month (MAX 2; MIN 1). 10
card_expiration_year number Card expiration year (MAX 2; MIN 2). 10
country enum Country where the transaction occurred (MAX 2; MIN 2). UY
created_at timestamp Timestamp when the transaction was created (ISO 8601). 2024-09-11T23:16:06.602Z
currency enum Currency code for the transaction (MAX 3; MIN 3). UYU
customer_first_name string First name of the customer (MAX 255; MIN 3). Jane
customer_id string Unique identifier for the customer (MAX 64; MIN 36). f4c53557-a832-44e9 -94e4-0344f91e9d4f
customer_last_name string Last name of the customer (MAX 255; MIN 3). Doe
description string Description of the transaction (MAX 255; MIN 3). Merchant Ecommerce
document_number string Document number of the customer (MAX 20; MIN 5). 48054205
document_type string Document type of the customer (MAX 10; MIN 2). CI
email string Email address of the customer (MAX 255; MIN 3). [email protected]
first_installments_deferral string Details of the first installment deferral (MAX 255; MIN 3). No deferral
fraud_screening_provider_score number Fraud screening score provided by the fraud detection system (MAX 100; MIN 0). 85
installments number Number of installments for the transaction (MAX 24; MIN 1). 1
installments_amount number Total amount of installments (MAX 10000; MIN 0). 887
installments_type string Type of installments plan (MAX 50; MIN 3). Single payment
merchant_order_id string Merchant's order identifier (MAX 64; MIN 36). NC2- 66e224a53fb722eaa0507579
merchant_transaction_id string Merchant's transaction identifier (MAX 64; MIN 36). NC2- 66e224a53fb722eaa0507579
nationality string Nationality of the customer (MAX 3; MIN 2). UY
payment_id string Unique identifier for the payment (MAX 64; MIN 36). 49b08cf9-c577-4451- a673-2dc1ae930200
payment_link_fee_details string Details of any fees associated with the payment link (MAX 255; MIN 3). No additional fees
payment_link_money_release_date timestamp Date when the money from the payment link will be released (ISO 8601). 2024-09-15
payment_link_payment_method_detail string Details of the payment method used in the payment link (MAX 255; MIN 3). VISA Card ending in 1228
payment_link_payment_method_id string Unique identifier for the payment method in the payment link (MAX 64; MIN 36). PLPMID123456
payment_link_sponsor_id string Unique identifier for the sponsor of the payment link (MAX 64; MIN 36). PLS123456
payment_method_category enum Category of the payment method (CARD, BANK_TRANSFER, etc.). CARD
payment_method_type enum Type of payment method (CARD, BANK_TRANSFER, etc.). CARD
pnr string Passenger Name Record if applicable (MAX 64; MIN 36). 987654321
provider_account_id string Provider's account identifier (MAX 64; MIN 36). 699ec8d444
provider_expiration_date timestamp Expiration date provided by the provider (ISO 8601). 2024-12-31
provider_id string Unique identifier for the provider (MAX 64; MIN 36). PROVIDER ID
provider_image string URL of the provider's image or logo (MAX 255; MIN 3).
provider_number string Provider number (MAX 64; MIN 36). 12345
provider_response_code string Response code from the provider (MAX 255; MIN 3). 200
provider_response_message string Response message from the provider (MAX 255; MIN 3). The payment was paid.
provider_status string Status of the payment at the provider (MAX 255; MIN 3). PAID
provider_status_detail string Detailed status from the provider (MAX 255; MIN 3). Transaction completed successfully.
provider_third_party_account_id string Third-party account ID associated with the provider (MAX 64; MIN 36). ACC123456
provider_third_party_transaction_id string Third-party transaction ID associated with the provider (MAX 64; MIN 36). TID123456
provider_transaction_id string Unique transaction identifier from the provider (MAX 64; MIN 36). T-51056-1e10f992-e5cf- 40bf-9eb6-8edc881de30b
reason string Reason for the transaction (MAX 255; MIN 3). Merchant's order payment
redirect_url string URL where the user will be redirected after payment (MAX 255; MIN 3).
refund_execution_origin string Origin of the refund execution (MAX 255; MIN 3). Customer Request
refund_execution_user string User who executed the refund (MAX 255; MIN 3). RefundServiceAgent
response_code string Response code from the system (MAX 255; MIN 3). 200
response_message string Response message from the system (MAX 255; MIN 3). Payment successful.
retrieval_reference_number string Reference number for retrieving transaction details (MAX 255; MIN 3). 1234567890
soft_descriptor string The soft descriptor shown on the customer's bank statement (MAX 22; MIN 3). MERCHANT ECOMMERCE
status enum Status of the transaction (MAX 50; MIN 2). PAID
subscription_id string Unique identifier for a subscription associated with the transaction (MAX 64; MIN 36). SUB123456
three_d_secure_cryptogram string Cryptogram data used in 3D Secure authentication (MAX 255; MIN 3). ABCDEFG12345
three_d_secure_directory_server_transaction_id string Directory server transaction ID for 3D Secure authentication (MAX 255; MIN 3). 3DSTID123456
three_d_secure_electronic_commerce_indicator string Electronic commerce indicator for 3D Secure authentication (MAX 255; MIN 3). ECI05
three_d_secure_setup_id string Setup ID for 3D Secure authentication (MAX 255; MIN 3). SETUP123456
three_d_secure_transaction_id string Transaction ID for 3D Secure authentication (MAX 255; MIN 3). 3DSTXID123456
three_d_secure_version string Version of 3D Secure protocol used (MAX 255; MIN 3). 2.1.0
has_challenge boolean Indicates if the transaction has a challenge step (3D Secure). FALSE
ticket_provider_barcode string Barcode provided by the ticket provider (MAX 255; MIN 3). 123456789
ticket_provider_format string Format of the ticket provided by the provider (MAX 255; MIN 3). PDF
ticket_provider_logo string Logo of the ticket provider (MAX 255; MIN 3).
token string Token generated for the transaction (MAX 255; MIN 3). fa476a40-854c-4e66 -9a98-55a68a6b88f4
transaction_id string Unique identifier for the transaction (MAX 64; MIN 36). b04db1c6-b2c7-4765-a77e-953d284d080b
type string Type of transaction (MAX 50; MIN 2). PURCHASE
updated_at timestamp Timestamp when the transaction was last updated (ISO 8601). 2024-09-11T23:17:07.602Z
vault_on_success boolean Indicates if vaulting should occur upon transaction success. FALSE
vaulted_token string Token generated for a vaulted card (MAX 255; MIN 3). fa476a40-854c-4e66- 9a98-55a68a6b88f4
verify boolean Indicates if verification was performed. FALSE
wallet string Wallet associated with the transaction (MAX 255; MIN 3). Wallet ABC

Transaction reconciliation report

Transaction reconciliation report field details
Parameter Type Description Example
account_id string The unique identifier of the account (MAX 64; MIN 36). 64143128-dd12-11ec-9d64-0242ac120002
country enum The country where the transaction must be processed (MAX 2; MIN 2; ISO 3166-1). US
type enum The transaction type (MAX 255; MIN 3). PURCHASE
payment_method_category enum Category of the transaction (MAX 255; MIN 3). BANK_TRANSFER
payment_method_type enum The type of payment method selected by the customer (MAX 255; MIN 3). BANKABC_TRANSFER
provider_id enum The ID of the provider that processed the transaction. PROVIDER ID
customer_id string The unique identifier of the customer (MAX 255; MIN 3). 23456
payment_id string The unique identifier of the payment (MAX 64; MIN 36). 5104911d-5df9-229e-8468-bd41abea1
merchant_order_id string Identification of the order assigned by your company (MAX 255; MIN 3). 123456789
merchant_transaction_id string Identification of the transaction assigned by your company (MAX 255; MIN 3). 987654321
transaction_id string The unique identifier of the transaction assigned by Yuno (MAX 64; MIN 36). 9104911d-5df9-429e-8488-ad41abea1a4b
provider_transaction_id string The unique identifier of the transaction from the provider (MAX 255; MIN 3). 53443e9c-dd17-11ec-9d64-0242ac120002
status string The status of the transaction (MAX 255; MIN 3). SUCCEEDED
response_code string The code that represents the response to the outcome of the transaction. SUCCEEDED
provider_status string The transaction status from the provider (MAX 255; MIN 3). Authorised
amount number The amount of the transaction. 100
local_amount(A) decimal The corresponding amount for all transactions in settlement currency minus local retention and local tax (multiple of 0.0001). 140.1
local_retention(A) decimal The corresponding amount for all transactions in settlement currency minus local amount and local tax (multiple of 0.0001). 7.37
local_tax(A) decimal The corresponding amount for all transactions in settlement currency minus local retention and local amount (multiple of 0.0001). 11.73
provider_fees(A) decimal The commission fee that was withheld by the acquirer on transactions in settlement currency (multiple of 0.0001). 3.53
provider_fee_taxes(A) decimal The commission fee tax that was withheld by the acquirer in settlement currency (multiple of 0.0001). 0.78
net_amount(A) decimal The amount submitted in the credit transaction requests minus acquirer fees in settlement currency (multiple of 0.0001). 135.79
currency enum The currency used to make the payment (MAX 3; MIN 3; ISO 4217). COP
card_type string The type of the card's issuer (MAX 255; MIN 3). CREDIT
card_expiration_month number Card expiration month (MAX 2; MIN 1). 10
card_expiration_year number Card expiration year (MAX 2; MIN 2). 10
card_brand string The card's brand information (MAX 255; MIN 3). VISA
provider_card_brand string The payment method or card brand (MAX 255; MIN 3). ABC
retrieval_reference_number string Unique reference number for transaction retrieval (MAX 255; MIN 3). CAQMCAQRisS2iL
card_category enum Category of the card used in the transaction (MAX 255; MIN 3). CLASSIC
card_iin number The issuer identification number (IIN) refers to the first few digits of a payment card number issued by a financial institution (MAX 8; MIN 8). 123456
card_lfd number Last four digits of the card (MAX 4; MIN 4). 7890
card_issuer_name enum Bank to which the card corresponds. Bank ABC
card_issuer_country enum Country in which settlement was made (MAX 2; MIN 2). UY
authorization_code string The acquirer's response code. 742A64
installments number In case of a card transaction, the number of installments in which the payment was requested (MAX 2; MIN 1). 1
pnr string The passenger name record (MAX 255; MIN 3). 1P-2UUGJW
created_at timestamp Transaction creation date (MAX 27; MIN 27; ISO 8601). 2022-05-09T20:46:54.786342Z
updated_at timestamp The date and time from the last time the transaction was updated. 2022-05-15T20:46:54.786342Z
estimated_settlement_date(A) timestamp Estimated date by the acquirer in which the funds will be deposited in the merchant's bank account. 2022-05-09
reconciliation_status enum The reconciliation status of a transaction (MAX 255; MIN 3). RECONCILED
reconciliation_sub_status enum The reconciliation substatus of a transaction (MAX 255; MIN 3). AUTOMATICALLY
reconciliation_date string The date the transaction was reconciled (MAX 27; MIN 27; ISO 8601). 2022-05-09T20:46:54.786342Z
reconciliation_id enum The unique identifier assigned to a transaction when it is reconciled (MAX 255; MIN 3). 2478d494-4a20-45b1-8a12-1c2604cf2d1d
reconciliation_settlement_date timestamp Date by the acquirer in which the funds will be deposited in the merchant's bank account. 2022-05-09 0:00

Settlement report

The settlement report has two types of reports:

  • Header: Shows the settlement summary.
  • Body: shows the data of each header.
Settlement report field details - Header
Parameter Type Description Example
type string Row type. Value: HEADER (MAX 255; MIN 3). HEADER
acquirer enum Name of the acquirer that processed the original payment. In aggregator models, the provider is the same as the acquirer. In other models, they may be different entities (MAX 255; MIN 3). Acquirer ABC
number_of_transactions number Total transactions contained in the report for the acquirer (MAX 255; MIN 1). 15
gross_currency enum Currency code in which transactions were made (MAX 3; MIN 3; ISO 4217). USD
gross_credit decimal For credit transactions, the corresponding gross amount (multiple of 0.0001). 1000.0
gross_debit decimal For debit transactions, the corresponding gross amount (multiple of 0.0001). 1000.0
settlement_currency enum Currency code in which settlement was made (MAX 3; MIN 3; ISO 4217). USD
settlement_gross_amount decimal The corresponding gross amount for all transactions in settlement currency (multiple of 0.0001). 100.0
settlement_credit_fees decimal Commission fee that was withheld by the acquirer on credit transactions in settlement currency. This should be the difference between the gross and net amounts (multiple of 0.0001). 15.0
settlement_debit_fees decimal Commission fee that was withheld by the acquirer on debit transactions in settlement currency. This should be the difference between the gross and net amounts (multiple of 0.0001). 5.0
settlement_fee_taxes decimal Commission fee tax that was withheld by the acquirer in settlement currency. This should be the difference between the gross and net amounts (multiple of 0.0001). 0.10
settlement_taxes decimal Value of taxes applied to the transactions in settlement currency. This should be the difference between the gross and net amounts (multiple of 0.0001). 1.0
settlement_cost_of_installments decimal Commission fee that the acquirer withheld for advance installments in settlement currency (multiple of 0.0001). This should be the difference between the gross and net amounts. 15.0
settlement_net_credit decimal Amount submitted in the credit transaction requests minus acquirer fees in settlement currency (multiple of 0.0001). 970.0
settlement_net_debit decimal Amount submitted in the debit transaction requests minus acquirer fees in settlement currency (multiple of 0.0001). 970.0
settlement_net_balance decimal Net credit/debit amount in settlement currency (multiple of 0.0001). 1000.0
settlement_batch_id(A) string This field contains the unique acquirer settlement batch number that you can find on your bank statement for the corresponding deposit (MAX 255; MIN 3). SETT-111450235000
settlement_date(A) date Estimated date by the acquirer on which the funds will be deposited in the merchant's bank account. 2022-05-09
country(A) enum Country of the merchant account (ISO 3166-1). US
Settlement report field details - Body
Parameter Type Description Example
account_id(A) string The merchant account ID (MAX 64; MIN 36). 64143128-dd12-11ec-9d64-0242ac120002
provider_merchant_id(A) string Merchant ID in the PSP system (MAX 255; MIN 3). 15a8c304-d334-4da7-bccb-09cf85a1d7a6
country(A) enum Country of the merchant account (ISO 3166-1). US
settlement_batch_id(A) string This field contains the unique acquirer settlement batch number that you can find on your bank statement for the corresponding deposit (MAX 255; MIN 3). SETT-111450235000
settlement_date(A) timestamp Estimated date by the acquirer when the funds will be deposited into the merchant's bank account. 2022-05-09
payment_method_category enum Category of the transaction (MAX 255; MIN 3). BANK_TRANSFER
payment_method_type enum The type of payment method selected by the customer (MAX 255; MIN 3). BANKABC_TRANSFER
provider_id enum Identification of the provider (MAX 255; MIN 3). PROVIDER ID
acquirer enum Name of the acquirer that processed the original payment. In aggregator models, the provider is the same as the acquirer. In other models, they may be different entities (MAX 255; MIN 3). Acquirer ABC
payment_id string The unique identifier of the payment (MAX 64; MIN 36). 5104911d-5df9-229e-8468-bd41abea1
merchant_order_id(A) string Identification of the order (MAX 255; MIN 3). abc123456789
merchant_transaction_id string Identification of the transaction assigned by the merchant (MAX 255; MIN 3). 987654321
transaction_id(A) string The unique identifier of the transaction assigned by Yuno (MAX 64; MIN 36). 9104911d-5df9-429e-8488-ad41abea1a4b
provider_transaction_id(A) string The unique identifier of the transaction assigned by the gateway. This field is empty if the gateway doesn't provide transaction information (MAX 255; MIN 3). 53443e9c-dd17-11ec-9d64-0242ac120002
transaction_date timestamp Transaction creation date (MAX 27; MIN 27; ISO 8601). 2022-05-09T20:46:54.786342Z
type enum The type of transaction. Values could be: SALE, RETURN, CHARGEBACK, DISPUTE, COMMISSION, TAX, SETTLEMENT. SALE
gross_currency enum Currency code in which the transaction was made (MAX 3; MIN 3; ISO 4217). USD
gross_credit decimal For credit transactions, the corresponding gross amount (multiple of 0.0001). 1000.0
gross_debit decimal For debit transactions, the corresponding gross amount (multiple of 0.0001). 1000.0
fee_rate(A) decimal Percentage value of the fee retained by the acquirer. This field is empty if the acquirer doesn't provide transaction information. 15
settlement_currency enum Currency code in which settlement was made (MAX 3; MIN 3; ISO 4217). USD
fx_rate decimal The exchange rate applied to the transaction at the time of settlement (multiple of 0.0001). 10
settlement_gross_amount decimal The corresponding gross amount for all transactions in settlement currency (multiple of 0.0001). 100.0
settlement_fees decimal The commission fee that was withheld by the acquirer on transactions in settlement currency. This should be the difference between the gross and net amounts (multiple of 0.0001). 15.0
settlement_fee_taxes decimal The commission fee tax that was withheld by the acquirer in settlement currency. This should be the difference between the gross and net amounts (multiple of 0.0001). 0.10
settlement_taxes decimal The value of taxes applied to the transactions in settlement currency. This should be the difference between the gross and net amounts (multiple of 0.0001). 1.0
cost_of_installments_rate(A) decimal In case of processing sales in installments, the percentage financing cost rate retained by the acquirer. This field is empty if the acquirer doesn't provide transaction information. 15
settlement_cost_of_installments decimal The commission fee that was withheld by the acquirer for advance installments in settlement currency (multiple of 0.0001). This should be the difference between the gross and net amounts. 15.0
settlement_net_credit decimal The amount submitted in the credit transaction requests minus acquirer fees in settlement currency (multiple of 0.0001). 970.0
settlement_net_debit decimal The amount submitted in the debit transaction requests minus acquirer fees in settlement currency (multiple of 0.0001). 970.0
settlement_net_amount decimal The corresponding net amount for all transactions in settlement currency (multiple of 0.0001). 100.0
card_type enum Type of card used in the transaction (MAX 7; MIN 5). CREDIT
card_brand enum Brand of the card used in the transaction (MAX 255; MIN 3). VISA
card_category enum Category of the card used in the transaction (MAX 255; MIN 3). premium
card_iin(A) number The issuer identification number (IIN) refers to the first few digits of a payment card number issued by a financial institution (MAX 8; MIN 8). 123456
card_lfd(A) number Last four digits of the card (MAX 4; MIN 4). 7890
authorization_code(A) string In case of a card transaction, the code assigned by the issuing bank to the transaction when it is authorized. This field is empty if the gateway doesn't provide transaction information (MAX 255; MIN 3). 123456
customer_id(A) string The unique identifier of the customer (MAX 255; MIN 3). 23456
voucher(A) string In case of a card transaction, the unique identifier of the payment receipt assigned by the issuing bank. This field is empty if the gateway doesn't provide transaction information (MAX 255; MIN 3). 43564
installments number In case of a card transaction, the number of installments in which the payment was requested (MAX 2; MIN 1). 1
installment_number(A) string In case of a card transaction in installments, the installment number that is being settled in this batch. If the installment payment is made in a single batch, the field is empty (MAX 6; MIN 3). 1/3
pnr string The passenger name record (MAX 255; MIN 3). 1P-2UUGJW
reconciliation struct
reconciliation_status enum The reconciliation status of a transaction (MAX 255; MIN 3). RECONCILED
reconciliation_sub_status enum The reconciliation substatus of a transaction (MAX 255; MIN 3). AUTOMATICALLY
reconciliation_date timestamp The date the transaction was reconciled (MAX 27; MIN 27; ISO 8601). 2022-05-09T20:46:54.786342Z
reconciliation_id string The unique identifier assigned to a transaction when it is reconciled (MAX 255; MIN 3). 2478d494-4a20-45b1-8a12-1c2604cf2d1d
legal_entity string The legal entity of the merchant (MAX 255; MIN 3). Legal Entity ABC
provider_merchant_account_name string Name of the merchant account assigned by the payment provider. Merchant account ABC
local_amount(A) decimal The corresponding gross amount for all transactions in settlement currency plus local taxes and retention (multiple of 0.0001). 263.09
provider_fees(A) decimal The commission fee that was withheld by the acquirer on transactions in settlement currency. This should be the difference between the gross and net amounts but with the opposite sign (multiple of 0.0001). 5.53
provider_fee_taxes(A) decimal The commission fee tax that was withheld by the acquirer in settlement currency. This should be the difference between the gross and net amounts but with the opposite sign (multiple of 0.0001). 1.22
net_amount(A) decimal The amount submitted in the credit transaction requests minus acquirer fees in settlement currency (multiple of 0.0001). 256.35
local_retention(A) decimal The local amount minus the corresponding gross amount for all transactions in settlement currency minus the local tax (multiple of 0.0001). 13.84
local_tax(A) decimal The local amount minus the corresponding gross amount for all transactions in settlement currency minus the local retention (multiple of 0.0001). 22.04
estimated_settlement_date(A) timestamp Estimated date by the acquirer when the funds will be deposited in the merchant's bank account. 2022-05-09
description(A) enum Description of the merchant. Merchant Ecommerce
event_type string Type of the movement 1- Settlement 1
adjustment_type string Adjustment code informed by the provider. 12
bank_account string Bank details of the institution where the merchant received the settlement amount. 12345-6
bank_agency string Bank details of the institution where the merchant received the settlement amount. 012
bank string Bank details of the institution where the merchant received the settlement amount. 123

(A) The availability of this data field depends on whether the processor or acquirer provides the information. If Yuno can identify the transaction, it will display the data; otherwise, the field may be empty.