This page presents examples of requests and responses for creating BNPL payments using the Create Payment endpoint with the REDIRECT workflow for back to back integrations.

To test the creation of each payment, you can copy the content from the request code and use it on your machine or paste it on the Create Payment endpoint to test using Readme.

BNPL available examples



Example of a request for a BNPL payment using Acuotaz. Below are examples of a request and the received response for successful payment creation. The request is presented using the cURL format, and the response is a JSON object.

curl --request POST \
     --url \
     --header 'X-Idempotency-Key: <Your X-Idempotency-Key>' \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'content-type: application/json' \
     --header 'private-secret-key: <Your private-secret-key>' \
     --header 'public-api-key: <Your public-api-key>' \
     --data '
    "description": "Test ACUOTAZ",
    "merchant_order_id": "0000022",
    "country": "PE",
    "additional_data": {
        "order": {
            "fee_amount": 0,
            "items": [
                    "brand": "XYZ",
                    "category": "Clothes",
                    "id": "123AD",
                    "manufacture_part_number": "XYZ123456",
                    "name": "Skirt",
                    "quantity": 1,
                    "sku_code": "8765432109",
                    "unit_amount": 50
            "shipping_amount": 0
    "amount": {
        "currency": "PEN",
        "value": 900
    "customer_payer": {
        "merchant_customer_id": "1668863583",
        "first_name": "Tyler",
        "last_name": "Rosenbaum",
        "email": ""
    "payment_method": {
        "type": "ACUOTAZ"
  "id": "1c3c6bee-0230-4989-af06-a2c97c433ac6",
  "account_id": "d3d38fc9-49ec-4277-9115-bbad5d17d236",
  "description": "Test ACUOTAZ",
  "country": "PE",
  "status": "READY_TO_PAY",
  "sub_status": "CREATED",
  "merchant_order_id": "0000022",
  "created_at": "2022-11-19T14:25:19.932037Z",
  "updated_at": "2022-11-19T14:25:20.940450Z",
  "amount": {
    "currency": "PEN",
    "value": 120
  "checkout": {
    "session": "3d6794b3-dff2-40a3-8e53-981e69f35191",
    "sdk_action_required": true
  "payment_method": {
    "vaulted_token": "",
    "type": "ACUOTAZ",
    "vault_on_success": false,
    "token": "",
    "payment_method_detail": {
      "bnpl": {
        "installments": null,
        "provider_image": null,
        "redirect_url": "",
        "customer_data": null
  "customer_payer": {
    "id": "71caa74c-f759-4a7c-a1c4-a983bcf24812",
    "merchant_customer_id": "1668863583",
    "first_name": "Tyler",
    "last_name": "Rosenbaum",
    "gender": "",
    "date_of_birth": null,
    "email": "",
    "nationality": null,
    "ip_address": null,
    "device_fingerprint": null,
    "browser_info": null,
    "document": {
      "document_type": "DNI",
      "document_number": "532924789"
    "phone": {
      "number": "11992149494",
      "country_code": "55"
    "billing_address": null,
    "shipping_address": null
  "additional_data": {
    "airline": null,
    "order": {
      "fee_amount": 40,
      "shipping_amount": 10,
      "items": [
          "id": "123AD",
          "name": "Skirt",
          "quantity": 1,
          "unit_amount": 100,
          "category": "Clothes",
          "brand": "XYZ",
          "sku_code": "8765432109",
          "manufacture_part_number": "XYZ123456"
    "seller_details": null
  "taxes": null,
  "transactions": {
    "id": "2fc3d3aa-e5d4-4e52-afdd-edbca07c4733",
    "type": "PURCHASE",
    "status": "CREATED",
    "category": "BUY_NOW_PAY_LATER",
    "amount": 120,
    "provider_id": "ACUOTAZ",
    "payment_method": {
      "vaulted_token": "",
      "type": "ACUOTAZ",
      "vault_on_success": false,
      "token": "7946b293-853a-42c8-97f3-a37e72ce230f",
      "detail": {
        "bnpl": {
          "installments": null,
          "provider_image": null,
          "redirect_url": "",
          "customer_data": null
    "response_code": "SUCCEEDED",
    "response_message": "",
    "reason": null,
    "description": null,
    "merchant_reference": null,
    "provider_data": {
      "id": "ACUOTAZ",
      "transaction_id": "2fc3d3aa-e5d4-4e52-afdd-edbca07c4733",
      "account_id": "",
      "status": "CREATED",
      "sub_status": "",
      "status_detail": "",
      "raw_response": {
        "redirect_to": "",
        "status": "new_order"
    "created_at": "2022-11-19T14:25:19.939870Z",
    "updated_at": "2022-11-19T14:25:20.940427Z"
  "workflow": "REDIRECT"


Example of a request for a BNPL payment using Addi. Below are examples of a request and the received response for successful payment creation. The request is presented using the cURL format, and the response is a JSON object.

curl --request POST \
     --url \
     --header 'X-Idempotency-Key: <Your X-Idempotency-Key>' \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'content-type: application/json' \
     --header 'private-secret-key: <Your private-secret-key>' \
     --header 'public-api-key: <Your public-api-key>' \
     --data '
    "description": "Test ADDI",
    "merchant_order_id": "0000022",
    "country": "CO",
    "amount": {
        "currency": "COP",
        "value": 52000
   "customer_payer": {
        "first_name": "Pepito",
        "last_name": "Perez",
        "merchant_customer_id": "example00234",
        "document": {
            "document_type": "CC",
            "document_number": "1032765432"
    "payment_method": {
        "type": "ADDI"
    "id": "087be3a5-bed7-4c58-bbe0-c2ebcf376ebb",
    "account_id": "493e9374-510a-4201-9e09-de669d75f256",
    "description": "Test ADDI",
    "country": "CO",
    "status": "READY_TO_PAY",
    "sub_status": "CREATED",
    "merchant_order_id": "0000022",
    "created_at": "2023-07-20T21:25:11.903819Z",
    "updated_at": "2023-07-20T21:25:12.983059Z",
    "amount": {
        "captured": 0.00,
        "currency": "COP",
        "refunded": 0.00,
        "value": 52000.00
    "checkout": {
        "session": "25e073ae-016c-4bca-89e7-64e05f766f11",
        "sdk_action_required": true
    "payment_method": {
        "vaulted_token": "",
        "type": "ADDI",
        "vault_on_success": false,
        "token": "",
        "payment_method_detail": {
            "bnpl": {
                "installments": null,
                "provider_image": null,
                "redirect_url": "",
                "customer_data": null
    "customer_payer": {
        "id": null,
        "merchant_customer_id": "example00234",
        "first_name": "Pepito",
        "last_name": "Perez",
        "gender": null,
        "date_of_birth": null,
        "email": "",
        "nationality": null,
        "ip_address": null,
        "device_fingerprint": null,
        "browser_info": {
            "user_agent": "",
            "accept_header": "",
            "accept_content": null,
            "accept_browser": null,
            "color_depth": "",
            "screen_height": "",
            "screen_width": "",
            "javascript_enabled": null,
            "java_enabled": null,
            "browser_time_difference": null,
            "language": ""
        "document": {
            "document_type": "CC",
            "document_number": "1032765432"
        "phone": {
            "number": "3132450778",
            "country_code": "57"
        "billing_address": null,
        "shipping_address": null
    "additional_data": null,
    "taxes": null,
    "transactions": {
        "id": "1328382d-f6e8-4f09-91b7-c18b1308c031",
        "type": "PURCHASE",
        "status": "CREATED",
        "category": "BUY_NOW_PAY_LATER",
        "amount": 52000.00,
        "provider_id": "ADDI",
        "payment_method": {
            "vaulted_token": "",
            "type": "ADDI",
            "vault_on_success": false,
            "token": "",
            "detail": {
                "bnpl": {
                    "installments": null,
                    "provider_image": null,
                    "redirect_url": "",
                    "customer_data": null
        "response_code": "SUCCEEDED",
        "response_message": "Transaction successful",
        "reason": null,
        "description": "Test ADDI",
        "merchant_reference": null,
        "provider_data": {
            "id": "ADDI",
            "transaction_id": "0000022",
            "account_id": "",
            "status": "CREATED",
            "sub_status": "",
            "status_detail": "",
            "response_message": "",
            "raw_response": {
                "value": ""
            "third_party_transaction_id": ""
        "three_d_secure_action_required": null,
        "created_at": "2023-07-20T21:25:12.008657Z",
        "updated_at": "2023-07-20T21:25:12.918362Z"
    "split": [],
    "workflow": "REDIRECT",
    "metadata": [],
    "fraud_screening": null


Example of a request for a BNPL payment using Wibond. Below are examples of a request and the received response for successful payment creation. The request is presented using the cURL format, and the response is a JSON object.

curl --request POST \
     --url \
     --header 'X-Idempotency-Key: <Your X-Idempotency-Key>' \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'content-type: application/json' \
     --header 'private-secret-key: <Your private-secret-key>' \
     --header 'public-api-key: <Your public-api-key>' \
     --data '
    "description": "Test Wibond",
    "account_id": "{{account-code}}",
    "country": "AR",
    "amount": {
        "currency": "ARS",
        "value": 52000
    "customer_payer": {
            "merchant_customer_id": "1689888540",
            "first_name": "Alessandra",
            "last_name": "CANO",
            "email": ""
    "payment_method": {
        "type": "WIBOND"
    "id": "2f9d9279-d9cc-451b-bf79-b6d176927b0b",
    "account_id": "493e9374-510a-4201-9e09-de669d75f256",
    "description": "Test Wibond",
    "country": "AR",
    "status": "READY_TO_PAY",
    "sub_status": "CREATED",
    "merchant_order_id": "1689888540",
    "created_at": "2023-07-20T21:29:00.413927Z",
    "updated_at": "2023-07-20T21:29:02.917870Z",
    "amount": {
        "captured": 0.00,
        "currency": "ARS",
        "refunded": 0.00,
        "value": 52000.00
    "checkout": {
        "session": "76cfacf8-d489-4d6d-bb1d-edaf2f303877",
        "sdk_action_required": true
    "payment_method": {
        "vaulted_token": "",
        "type": "WIBOND",
        "vault_on_success": false,
        "token": "",
        "payment_method_detail": {
            "bnpl": {
                "installments": null,
                "provider_image": null,
                "redirect_url": "",
                "customer_data": null
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        "id": null,
        "merchant_customer_id": "1689888540",
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        "nationality": null,
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                    "customer_data": null
        "response_code": "SUCCEEDED",
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        "description": "Test Wibond",
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            "status": "ACTIVE",
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    "metadata": [],
    "fraud_screening": null