This object represents a payment link that can be associated with a customer.
id string
The unique identifier of the customer (MAX 64 ; MIN 36).
Example: 8546df3a-b83e-4bb5-a4b3-57aa6385924f
account_id string
The unique identifier of the account (MAX 64; MIN 36).
Example: 9104911d-5df9-429e-8488-ad41abea1a4b
description string
The description of the payment link (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Marketplace payment
country enum
Country where the transaction must be processed (MAX 2; MIN 2; ISO 3166-1).
Possible enum values: Check the Country reference.
status enum
The status of the Payment link (MAX 255; MIN 3) (CREATED, USED, CANCELED, EXPIRED, ERROR).
Example: ACTIVE
merchant_order_id string
Identification of the payment link (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: 432245
created_at timestamp
The date and time when the payment link was created.
Example: 2022-05-09T20:46:54.786342Z
updated_at timestamp
The date and time of last update for the payment link.
Example: 2022-05-09T20:46:54.786342Z
capture boolean
Decides whether to authorize the payment or capture it. Authorizing a card payment allows you to reserve funds in a customer's bank account. If the field is not sent, we will take it as true. You can later capture the payment vía Yuno's dashboard or API method.
Example: true
amount object
Specifies the payment amount object, with the value and currency.
currency enum
The currency used to make the payment (MAX 3; MIN 3; ISO 4217).
Possible enum values: Check the Country reference.
value number
The payment amount (multiple of 0.0001).
Example: 12100.00
customer_payer object
Specifies customer object for payments links.
id string
The unique identifier of the customer at
Yuno platform (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: faa89e18-5a11-11ed-9b6a-0242ac120002
customer_id string
The unique identifier of the customer in the external merchant (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: 23456
first_name string
The customer's first name (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: John
last_name string
The customer's last name (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Doe
gender enum
The customer's gender (MAX 2; MIN 1; (M=Male/F=Female/NA=Not applicable/NK=Not Known)).
Possible enum values: M
, F
, NA
, or NK
date_of_birth string
The customer's date of birth in the YYYY-MM-DD format (Length: 10).
Example: 1990-02-28
email string
The customer's e-mail (MAX 255; MIN 3).
nationality enum
The customer's nationality (MAX 2; MIN 2; ISO 3166-1).
Possible enum values: Check the Country reference.
document object
Specifies the customer's document object, including its number and type.
document_number string
The customer's document number (MAX 40; MIN 3).
Example: 1093333333
document_type enum
The customer's document type (MAX 6, MIN 2).
Possible enum values: Check the
Country reference.
phone object
Specifies the customer's phone object, including number and code.
number string
The customer's phone number (MAX 40; MIN 3).
Example: 11992149494
country_code string
The country calling code of the customer's phone (MAX 3; MIN 1)
Possible values: Check the
Country reference.
billing_address object
Specifies the customer's billing address object.
address_line_1 string
The primary billing address line of the customer (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Calle 34 # 56 - 78
address_line_2 string
The secondary billing address line of the customer (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Apartamento 502, Torre I
city string
The city considered for the billing address (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Bogotá
country enum
The country considered for the billing address (MAX 2; MIN 2; ISO
Possible enum values: Check the Country reference.
state string
The state considered for the billing address (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Cundinamarca
zip_code string
The zipcode considered for the billing address (MAX 11; MIN 4).
Example: 111111
shipping_address object
Specifies the customer's shipping address object.
address_line_1 string
The primary shipping address line of the customer (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Calle 34 # 56 - 78
address_line_2 string
The secondary shipping address line of the customer (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Apartamento 502, Torre I
city string
The city considered for the shipping address (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Bogotá
country enum
The country considered for the shipping address (MAX 2; MIN 2; ISO
Possible enum values: Check the Country reference.
state string
The state considered for the shipping address (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Cundinamarca
zip_code string
The zipcode considered for the shipping address (MAX 11; MIN 4).
Example: 111111
additional_data object
Specifies the additional_data object. This object is not mandatory. However, if you send this information, the
payment experience will be enhanced for your user.
airline object
Specifies the airline object. Passengers and tickets should have the same order information.
pnr string
Passenger name record (MAX 10; MIN 1).
Example: 1P-2UUGJW
legs array of object
Specifies the legs array of objects.
arrival_airport string
IATA airport code (MAX 3; MIN 3). See
Example: AMS
base_fare float
The transaction amount, excluding taxes and fees, the smallest unit of currency (multiple of
Example: 23.5676
base_fare_currency string
The currency used to transaction amount (MAX 3; MIN 3; ISO 4217).
Example: Check the Country reference.
carrier_code string
IATA carrier code (MAX 2; MIN 2). See
Example: KL
departure_airport string
IATA code (MAX 3; MIN 3). See
Example: EZE
departure_airport_timezone string
Airport timezone (MAX 6; MIN 6).
Example: -03:00
departure_datetime timestamp
The departure date and time in local time at the departure airport.
Example: 2022-05-09T20:46:54.786342Z
fare_basis_code string
Code base rate provides specific information on the fare in addition to the class service, both
required for booking (MAX 15; MIN 1).
Example: HL7LNR
fare_class_code string
The fare class code of the airline (MAX 1; MIN 1). The values can be a letter (A-Z) but may vary
depending on the airline's definition.
Example: C
flight_number string
The flight number assigned by the airline carrier (MAX 5; MIN 1).
Example: 842
stopover_code string
The stopover code (1-letter code that indicates whether the passenger is allowed to make a
Only two types of characters are allowed: O: Stopover allowed (the letter “O”, not zero) / X: Stopover
Example: O
passengers array of objects
Specifies the array of objects that represents the passengers associated to the tickets.
document object
Specifies the document object for the passenger.
document_number string
The passenger's document number (MAX 40; MIN 3).
Example: 1093333333
document_type enum
The passenger's document type (MAX 6, MIN 2).
Possible enum values: Check the
Country reference.
country enum
Country where the document was issued (MAX 2; MIN 2; ISO
Possible enum values: Check the Country reference.
date_of_birth string
The passenger's date of birth in the YYYY-MM-DD format (MAX 10; MIN 10).
Example: 1990-02-28
email string
The passenger's email (MAX 255; MIN 3).
first_name string
The passenger's first name (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: John
last_name string
The passenger's last name (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Doe
loyalty_number string
Number of passenger loyalty program (MAX 20, MIN 1).
Example: 254587547
loyalty_tier enum
Tier of passenger loyalty program (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Possible enum values: Check the
Loyalty tier.
middle_name string
The passenger's middle name (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Charles
nationality enum
The passenger's nationality (MAX 2; MIN 2; ISO 3166-1).
Possible enum values: Check the Country reference.
type enum
The type of passenger (MAX 1; MIN 1).
Possible enum values: Check the Passenger type list.
tickets array of objects
Specifies the array of tickets associated with the passengers.
ticket_number string
Ticket number (MAX 14; MIN 1).
Example: 7411823255523
e_ticket boolean
Is this an e-ticket?
Possible values: True
or False
restricted boolean
Indicates if the ticket is refunfable or not.
Possible values: True
or False
total_fare_amount float
Total fare amount in the smallest unit of currency (multiple of 0.0001).
Example: 80000
total_tax_amount float
Total taxes amount in the smallest unit of currency (multiple of 0.0001).
Example: 14800
total_fee_amount float
Total fee amount in the smallest unit of currency (multiple of 0.0001).
Example: 25200
issue object
Specifies the issue object.
address string
Address of the agent who sold the ticket (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Apartamento 502, Torre I
carrier_prefix_code string
Issuing or Validating carrier. This is the AWB Prefix (Air waybill) IATA 3-numeric code (MAX
3; MIN
Example: 044
city string
City name of the agent who sold the ticket (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Bogotá
country enum
Country code where the ticket was issued (MAX 2; MIN 2; ISO
Possible enum values: Check the Country code
date string
Ticket issuing date.
Example: 1979-01-12
travel_agent_code string
Code of the travel agent issuing the ticket.
Example: 10655823
travel_agent_name string
The name under which the point of sale appears on the agency list or franchise name (MAX 32;
Example: ACME Agency Inc
order object
Specifies the order object.
fee_amount float
The fee amount of the order (multiple of 0.0001).
Example: 1
shipping_amount float
The shipping amount of the order (multiple of 0.0001).
Example: 1
items array of object
Specifies the item's object.
id string
The unique identifier of the item (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: 3214
name string
The name of the item (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: iPhone 12 Pro Max
quantity int
The quantity of the item (MAX 999; MIN 1).
Example: 1
unit_amount float
The unit amount of the item (multiple of 0.0001).
Example: 550
category string
The category of the item (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Possible values: Check the Item category list.
brand string
The brand of the item (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Apple
sku_code string
The stock keeping unit (SKU) of the item (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: A2342
manufacture_part_number string
The manufacture part number of the item (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: 345621234
picture_url string
The picture of the item (MAX 255; MIN 3).
seller_details object
Specifies the seller's details object.
name string
The seller's legal name (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Jhon Doe
email string
The seller's e-mail (MAX 255; MIN 3).
reference string
The seller's identification code (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Seller
website string
The seller's website URL (MAX 255; MIN 3).
industry enum
The seller's industry (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Possible enum values: Check the Industry category.
country enum
The seller's country (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Possible enum values: Check the Country code list.
document object
Specifies the document object of the seller.
document_number string
The seller's document number (MAX 40; MIN 3).
Example: 1093333333
document_type enum
The seller's document type (MAX 6, MIN 2).
Possible enum values: Check the
Country reference.
phone object
Specifies the seller's phone number object.
country_code string
The country calling code of the seller's phone (MAX 3; MIN 1). Possible values: Check the
Country reference.
Example: 57
number string
The seller's phone number, without the country code (MAX 32; MIN 1).
Example: 3132450765
address object
Specifies the seller's address object.
address_line_1 string
The primary address line of the seller (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Calle 34 # 56 - 78
address_line_2 string
The secondary billing address line of the seller (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Apartamento 502, Torre I
city string
The city considered for the seller's address (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Bogotá
country enum
The country considered for the seller's address (MAX 2; MIN 2,ISO
Possible enum values: Check the Country code
state string
The state considered for the seller's address (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Cundinamarca
zip_code string
The zipcode considered for the seller's address (MAX 11; MIN 4).
Example: 111111
taxes array of objects
Specifies the order's tax object.
type string
Type of the tax.
Example: VAT
tax_base float
The amount base to apply the tax defined.
Example: 10000
value float
The amount of the tax.
Example: 2100
percentage float
The percentage of the tax.
Example: 21
one_time_use boolean
Single Link: For a single collection with defined product, amount and customer information.
Multiple Link: To use and share as many times as necessary, with defined amount and product.
Options: false allows only one use, true multiple payments.
availability object
Specifies the availability object. Refers to the Payment Link expiration date.
start_at timestamp
Start of the validity period of the payment link.
Example: 2022-05-09T20:46:54.786342Z
finish_at timestamp
End of the validity period of the payment link.
Example: 2022-05-09T20:46:54.786342Z
callback_url string
URL to redirect your customer after the payment (MAX 255; MIN 3).
redirect_url string
Payment Link URL (MAX 255; MIN 3).
payment_method_types array of enums
The list of types of payment methods that customers can use. If no value is passed, Yuno will display the
payment methods defined in the dashboard.
payment array of objects
Array of Payment objects
metadata array of objects
Specifies a list of metadata objects. You can add up to 50 metadata objects.
metadata object object
Specifies a metadata key and the respective value.
key string
Specifies one metadata key.
Example: age
value string
Specifies the value for the defined metadata key.
Example: 28
vault_on_success boolean
Flag to enroll the card after a successful payment. False by default.
Example: false