The Payment Object

This object represents the payment created after generating the checkout session for a customer.

id string
The unique identifier of the customer (MAX 64 ; MIN 36).
Example: 8546df3a-b83e-4bb5-a4b3-57aa6385924f

account_id string
The unique identifier of the account (MAX 64; MIN 36).
Example: 9104911d-5df9-429e-8488-ad41abea1a4b

description string
The description of the payment (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Purchase on web

country enum
Country where the transaction must be processed (MAX 2; MIN 2; ISO 3166-1).
Possible enum values: Check the Country reference.

status enum
The status of the transaction.

sub_status enum
It is a complement to the status information.

merchant_order_id string
The unique identifier of the customer's order (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: 2022-05-09T20:20:54.786342Z

created_at timestamp
The date and time when the payment was created.
Example: 2022-05-09T20:46:54.786342Z

updated_at timestamp
The date and time of last update for the payment.
Example: 2022-05-09T20:46:54.786342Z

amount object

Specifies the payment amount object, with the value and currency.

currency enum
The currency used to make the payment (MAX 3; MIN 3; ISO 4217).
Possible enum values: Check the Country reference.

value number
The payment amount (multiple of 0.0001).
Example: 111111

currency_conversion object

Specifies the currency conversion object.

provider_currency_conversion_id string
The unique identifier of the conversion rate query from the provider (MAX 526 ; MIN 3).
Example: 9104911d-5df9-429e-8488-ad41abea1a4b

cardholder_currency enum
The currency to make the conversion (ISO 4217 MAX 3; MIN 3).
Example: USD

cardholder_amount number
Amount of the payment before conversion
Example: 100

refunded number
The refund amount (multiple of 0.0001).
Example: 111111

captured number
The captured amount (multiple of 0.0001).
Example: 111111

checkout object

Specifies the checkout object. This object is not mandatory for back to back payments. Required when WORKFLOW is defined as CHECKOUT or is not sent. Not required for DIRECT payments.

session string
The checkout session has been created for the payment (MAX 64; MIN 36).
Example: 757eefc7-e28c-4333-9a07-3b16e610745d

sdk_action_required boolean
Defines if the payment is asynchronous and requires additional steps based on a request to the SDK.
Example: false

payment_method object

Specifies the payment_method object.

vaulted_token string
The vaulted_token represents a securely stored payment_method associated with a previous transaction. When utilizing a vaulted_token for creating a payment, there is no need to send an additional token; it can be set as null (MAX: 64; MIN: 36).
Example: 8604911d-5ds9-229e-8468-bd41abear14s

type enum
Payment method type. Mandatory for DIRECT or REDIRECT workflow.
Possible enum values:
Possible enum values: check the payment type reference.

vault_on_success boolean
Flag to enroll the card after a successful payment.
Possible values: True or False

token string
The one time use payment method token provided by Yuno sdk. If a payment is created using a token, it is not necessary to send a vaulted_token as well, it can be defined as null. Not necessary for back to back payments (MAX: 64; MIN: 36).
Example: 5104911d-5df9-229e-8468-bd41abea1a4s

detail object

Specifies the payment method detail object, which provides details of the different transaction category types that are part of the payment method object.

card object

Specifies the details of the payment method when using a card.

verify boolean
Using amount = 0 and verify = true, you can verify the user's card without authorizing a real amount.
Possible values: True or False

capture boolean
Decides whether to authorize the payment or capture it. Authorizing a card payment allows you to reserve funds in a customer's bank account.
Possible values: True or False

installments integer
The card installments (MAX 50; MIN 1).
Example: 3

first_installments_deferral integer
Number of months to wait to debit the first installment.
Example: 1

installments_type string
Defines the type of installments.
Example: string

installments_amount integer
The installment amount includes interests associated with the installment and the information is defined by the provider.
Example: 3

soft_descriptor string
The descriptor passed per transaction to out platform. It will be presented on the customer's physical bank statement (MAX 15; MIN 0).
Example: COMPANY1

authorization_code string
The acquirer's response code.
Example: 742A64

retrieval_reference_number string
The unique identifier assigned by an acquirer to an authorization. In case of Brazil, you'll receive the nsu.
Example: 200000000012

voucher string
The unique identifier of the payment receipt assigned by the issuing bank for a card transaction. This field is empty if the gateway does not provide information about the transaction (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: 43564

card_data object

Specifies the details of the card.

holder_name string
Card holder's full name as it appears on the card (MAX 26; MIN 3) only available for PCI certified merchants.
Example: Fannie Weissnat

country_code string
User card country code (MAX 2; MIN 2).
Example: US

expiration_month integer
Card's expiration month (MM) (MAX 2; MIN 2).
Example: 03

expiration_year integer
Card's expiration year (YYYY) (MAX 4; MIN 2).
Example: 2030

iin string
The issuer identification number (IIN) refers to the first few digits of the payment card number issued by a financial institution (MAX 8; MIN 6).
Example: 41961111

lfd string
The last four digits of the card (MAX 4; MIN 4).
Example: 0010

number_length integer
The length of the card's number (MAX 19; MIN 8).
Example: 41961111

security_code_length integer
The length of the card's security code (MAX 1; MIN 1).
Example: 3

brand string
The card's brand information (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: VISA

issuer_name string
The card's issuer (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Banco Galicia

issuer_code integer
The card's issuer identification code (MAX 255; MIN 3).

category string
The category of the card's issuer (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Gold

type string
The type of the card's issuer (MAX 255; MIN 3).

fingerprint string
When a customer enrolls a credit card multiple times related to one or many Yuno accounts, multiple vaulted_tokens will be generated, but the fingerprint lets you identify when the same card is used for the customer (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: 55a7fe38-cdc3-45dc-8c5f-820751799c76

three_d_secure object

Specifies the details of the 3DS Transaction.

three_d_secure_setup_id string
Setup ID obteined for the 3DS Direct flow.
Example: 24127d61-b852-42fb-acd4-1ee661645376

version enum
Refers to the protocol version of the EMV 3-D Secure specification used. 1.0, 2.0, 2.1.0, 2.2.0, 2.2.1.
Example: 2.2.1

electronic_commerce_indicator string
This field must be completed with the result of the ECI field provided by the 3d Secure service. The Electronic Commerce Indicator (ECI) informs the card issuer if the transaction was protected by a security protocol like VbV or MCSC. It is mandated by Visa and MasterCard that all 3-D Secure transactions have this value populated in the authorization request (MAX: 2, MIN: 0).
Example: 05

cryptogram string
This field must be completed with the result of the cryptogram field provided by the 3DSecure service. In Visa transactions, it represents the Cardholder Authentication Verification Value (CAVV), a cryptographic value generated by the Issuer as evidence of payment authentication during online purchase to qualify for chargeback protection. MasterCard transactions have a similar value called Accountholder Authentication Value (AAV) or the Universal Cardholder Authentication Field (UCAF). When submitting a transaction for authorization, the merchant must include the CAVV or AAV/UCAF to demonstrate that the cardholder has been authenticated. It is typically base64-encoded. (MAX: 40, MIN: 0).
Example: BA0BB1Z3N5Q4kjkBU3c3ELGUsJY =

transaction_id string
For 3DS v1: This is the Unique Transaction Identifier. It is automatically generated by the MPI. It is typically 28 bytes in length and base64-encoded. Is commonly referred to as XID (MAX: 40, MIN: 0). For 3DS v2: Universally unique transaction identifier assigned by the DS to identify a single transaction. (MAX: 36, MIN:36).
Ex for V1: “TjY0MjAxRjA4MD4987DUzMzYyNjU=” Ex for V2: “c4e59ceb-a382-4d6a-bc87-385d591fa09d”

directory_server_transaction_id string
Transaction ID generated by the Mastercard directory server during authentication (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: f38e6948-5388-41a6-bca4-b49723c19437

network_token object

Information about the network token used for the transaction. If applicable.

network enum
The provider associated to the token provided. VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN_EXPRESS.

status enum
Status of the token for the payment method. CREATED, ACTIVE, SUSPENDED, CANCELED.
Example: ACTIVE

par string
Payment account reference.
Example: MCC123456789012

token_data object

Token details.

number number
[Mandatory] - Token’s number without any separators (MAX 19; MIN 8) only available for PCI certified merchants.
Example: 450799000001234

holder_name string
Cardholder’s full name as it appears on the Token (MAX 26; MIN 3).
Example: John Doe

iin number
The Institution identification number (IIN) refers to the first few digits of a network token number issued by a financial institution (MAX 8; MIN 6).
Example: 45079900

lfd number
Last four digits of the network token (MAX 4; MIN 4).
Example: 1234

expiration_month number
Network Token’s expiration month (MM) (MAX 2; MIN 2).
Example: 12

expiration_year number
Network Token’s expiration year (YYYY) (MAX 4; MIN 2).
Example: 2027

cryptogram string
[Mandatory] - The unique cryptogram generated by the issuer for the network token in use in the transaction.

electronic_commerce_indicator string
[Only required for certain providers] - In case the token has been authenticated by Mastercard the field should be set to 02. For Visa or not authenticated tokens, is not necessary to send the field.

token_requestor_id string
[Only required for certain providers] - Token requestor ID of the merchant

response object

Network transaction details.

code number
Response code from the service provider.
Example: succeeded

message number
Response code from the service provider.
Example: Transaction Succeeded

stored_credentials object

Indicates the processing type of the transaction.

reason enum
Indicates the processing type of the transaction.Enum:CARD_ON_FILE, SUBSCRIPTION, UNSCHEDULED_CARD_ON_FILE

usage enum
This field lets you indicate if this is the first time the vaulted_token/network_token is used for a payment or if it has already been used for a previous payment. Enum: FIRST, USED
Example: USED

subscription_agreement_id string
This field lets you indicate the identification of the agreement with the customer for a subscription. Mainly for MX (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: AA0001

network_Transaction_id string
Unique identifier assigned to a transaction by the card network. It is used to track and reference specific transactions, particularly in recurring payment scenarios, ensuring consistency and traceability across the payment lifecycle (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: 583103536844189

bnpl object

Specifies the details of the payment method when using Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL).

installments integer
The loan installments (MAX 50; MIN 1).
Example: 10

provider_image string
The provider's URL (MAX 255; MIN 3).

redirect_url string
The URL with the full version of the ticket in case you want to redirect your customer (MAX 255; MIN 3).

customer_data object

Specifies the details of the customer.

name string
The customer's legal name (MAX 32, MIN 8).
Example: Legal name

username string
Customer's username in the provider platform (MAX 32, MIN 8).
Example: Legal_name_01

tax_id_type string
The customer's tax identifier (MAX 32, MIN 8).
Example: CUIT

tax_id string
The customer's tax identifier number (MAX 32, MIN 8).
Example: 20-34566123-7

type string
The credit's type (MAX 255; MIN 3).

area string
The customer's industry (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: OTHERS

role string
The customer's role in the company (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: OWNER

bank_transfer object

Specifies the details of the payment method when using bank transfer.

provider_image string
The provider's URL (MAX 255; MIN 3).

account_type string
Type of the bank account (MAX 255; MIN 3).

bank_name string
Name of the bank associated with the account (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Banco Galicia

beneficiary_name string
The name of the account holder (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: John Doe

bank_account string
The number of the bank account (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: 54653211313333

bank_account_2 string
The secondary number of the bank account (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: 78900000000123

beneficiary_document_type string
Document type of the account holder (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Possible values: Check the Country reference. Example: DNI

beneficiary_document string
Document number of the account holder (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: 54666897

reference string
Reference code for the user (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: AA01234-BC

retrieval_reference_number string
The unique identifier assigned by an acquirer to an authorization.In case of Brazil, you'll receive the nsu.
Example: 200000000012

payment_instruction string
Payments instructions related to the payment (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Go to your bank account and transfer the amount using the reference detailed below

redirect_url string
The URL with the full version of the ticket in case you want to redirect your customer (MAX 255; MIN 3).

wallet object

Specifies the details of the payment method when using a wallet.

verify boolean
Using amount = 0 and verify = true, you can verify the user's card without authorizing a real amount.
Possible values: True or False

cryptogram string
Cryptogram for direct integrations with card wallets (MAX 526; MIN 3).

capture boolean
Decides whether to authorize the payment or capture it. Authorizing a card payment allows you to reserve funds in a customer's bank account.
Possible values: True or False

installments integer
The card installments (MAX 50; MIN 1).
Example: 3

payment_method_id string
The user's payment method used in their wallet.
Example: credit_card

detail string
The payment method's detail used in their wallet.
Example: visa

date_of_expiration date
Expiration date for an offline payment method.
Example: 2022-05-09T00:00:00.000000Z

money_release_date date
Date in which the money from the provider will be available to use.
Example: 2022-05-09T00:00:00.000000Z

sponsor_id string
Partner's provider account (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: 4562103

authorization_code string
Acquire's response code.
Example: 742A64

customer_data object

Specifies the details of the customer.

email string
The customer's email (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: [email protected]

first_name string
The customer's first name (MAX 32, MIN 8).
Example: John

last_name string
The customer's last name (MAX 32, MIN 8).
Example: Doe

username string
The customer's username in the platform (MAX 32, MIN 8).
Example: John_Doe_01

identification_type string
The customer's document type (MAX 32, MIN 8).
Check the Country reference. Example: DNI

identification_number string
The customer's identification number (MAX 32, MIN 8).
Example: 34566123

fee_details object

Specifies the details of the fees.

amount float
Amount of the transaction (multiple of 0.0001).
Example: 40.5

card_data object

Specifies the details of the card.

iin integer
The issuer identification number (IIN) refers to the first few digits of the payment card number issued by a financial institution (MAX 8; MIN 6).
Example: 45079900

lfd integer
The last four digits of the card (MAX 4; MIN 4).
Example: 0010

number_length integer
The length of the card's number (MAX 2; MIN 1).
Example: 16

security_code_length integer
The length of the card's security code (MAX 1; MIN 1).
Example: 3

brand string
The card's brand information (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: visa

holder_name string
Card holder's full name as it appears on the card (MAX 26; MIN 3) only available for PCI certified merchants.
Example: JOHN DOE

ticket object

Specifies the details of the payment method when using ticket.

type string
The ticket's type.
Example: number, barcode, custom, reference_code, qr

benefit_type enum
User´s benefit type for ticket payment method. JUNAEB, PRIVATE
Example: PRIVATE

date_of_expiration date
The ticket's expiration date in YYYY-MM-DD.
Example: 2022-05-20

provider_number integer
The ticket's number.
Example: 13141

provider_barcode integer
The ticket's barcode.
Example: 456789009878765u7654

provider_logo string
The ticket's logo.

provider_format string
The ticket's format.
Example: barcode, custom

payment_instruction string
Payments instructions related to the payment (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Go to your closest store and pay the total amount using the reference detailed below

redirect_url string
The URL with the full version of the ticket.

payment_link object

Specifies the details of the payment method when using a payment link.

verify boolean
Using amount = 0 and verify = true, you can verify the user's card without authorizing a real amount.
Possible values: True or False

capture boolean
Decides whether to authorize the payment or capture it. Authorizing a card payment allows you to reserve funds in a customer's bank account.
Possible values: True or False

installments integer
The card installments (MAX 50; MIN 1).
Example: 3

payment_method_id string
The user's payment method used in their wallet.
Example: credit_card

detail string
The payment method's detail used in their wallet.
Example: visa

date_of_expiration date
Expiration date for an offline payment method.
Example: 2022-05-09T00:00:00.000000Z

money_release_date date
Date in which the money from the provider will be available to use.
Example: 2022-05-09T00:00:00.000000Z

sponsor_id string
Partner's provider account (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: 4562103

authorization_code string
Acquire's response code.
Example: 742A64

customer_data object

Specifies the details of the customer.

email string
The customer's email (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: [email protected]

first_name string
The customer's first name (MAX 32, MIN 8).
Example: John

last_name string
The customer's last name (MAX 32, MIN 8).
Example: Doe

username string
The customer's username in the platform (MAX 32, MIN 8).
Example: John_Doe_01

identification_type string
The customer's document type (MAX 32, MIN 8).
Possible values: Check the Country reference. Example: DNI

identification_number string
The customer's identification number (MAX 32, MIN 8).
Example: 34566123

fee_details object

Specifies the details of the fees.

amount float
Amount of the transaction (multiple of 0.0001).
Example: 40.5

card_data object

Specifies the details of the card.

iin integer
The issuer identification number (IIN) refers to the first few digits of the payment card number issued by a financial institution (MAX 8; MIN 6).
Example: 45079900

lfd integer
The last four digits of the card (MAX 4; MIN 4).
Example: 0010

number_length integer
The length of the card's number (MAX 2; MIN 1).
Example: 16

security_code_length integer
The length of the card's security code (MAX 1; MIN 1).
Example: 3

brand string
The card's brand information (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: visa

holder_name string
Card holder's full name as it appears on the card (MAX 26; MIN 3) only available for PCI certified merchants.
Example: John Doe

expiration_month integer
Card's expiration month (MM) (MAX 2; MIN 2).
Example: 03

expiration_year integer
Card's expiration year (YYYY) (MAX 4; MIN 2).
Example: 30

customer_payer object

Specifies customer object for payments.

id string
The unique identifier of the customer (MAX 64; MIN 36). Specifies the checkout object. This object is not mandatory for back to back payments. Required when WORKFLOW is defined as CHECKOUT or is not sent.
Example: faa89e18-5a11-11ed-9b6a-0242ac120002

merchant_customer_id string
The unique identifier of the customer in the external merchant (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: 4ce6f7e1-bf2e-4e7f-bc1b-84b26082a1d3

merchant_customer_created_at timestamp
Customer´s registration date on the merchants platform (ISO 8601 MAX 27; MIN 27).
Example: 2022-05-09T20:46:54.786342Z

first_name string
The customer's first name (MAX 255; MIN 1).
Example: John

last_name string
The customer's last name (MAX 255; MIN 1).
Example: Doe

gender enum
The customer's gender (MAX 1; MIN 1; (M=Male/F=Female/NA=Not applicable/NK=Not Known)).
Possible enum values: M, F, NA, or NK.

date_of_birth string
The customer's date of birth in the YYYY-MM-DD format (Length: 10).
Example: 1990-02-28

email string
The customer's e-mail (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: [email protected]

nationality enum
The customer's nationality (MAX 2; MIN 2; ISO 3166-1).
Possible enum values: Check the Country reference.

device_fingerprint string
The customer's device fingerprint (MAX 4000; MIN 1). For integrations using Yuno checkout the value is obtained automatically, do not send this field.
Example: hi88287gbd8d7d782ge.....

device_fingerprints array of object

In case you are using a DIRECT integration and want to support more than one fraud provider in the payment flow, you can use this object to specify the necessary information. For integrations using Yuno checkout the value is obtained automatically, do not send this field.

provider_id enum
The fraud screening provider id

id string
The device fingerprint associated to the provider
Example: hi88287gbd8d7d782ge.....

ip_address string
The customer's IP address (MAX 45; MIN 7).

browser_info object

Specifies the browser_info object.

accept_header boolean
The accept header value of the customer's browser.
Possible values: True or False

accept_browser boolean
The accept broser value of the customer's browser
Possible values: True or False

accept_content boolean
The accept content value of the customer's browser
Possible values: True or False

color_depth float
The color depth of the customer's browser in bits per pixel. This should be obtained by using the browser's screen.colorDepth property. Accepted values: 1, 4, 8, 15, 16, 24, 30, 32 or 48 bit color depth (MAX 5; MIN 1).
Example: 15

javascript_enabled boolean
Indicates if Javascript is enabled or not in the device.
Possible values: True or False

java_enabled boolean
Indicates if Java is enabled or not in the device.
Possible values: True or False

browser_time_difference string
Indicates the brosner time difference
Example: -3:00

language string
The navigator.language value of the customer's browser (as defined in IETF BCP 47) (MAX 5; MIN 1).
Example: es-ES

screen_height string
The total height of the customer's device screen in pixels (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: 2048

screen_width string
The total width of the customer's device screen in pixels (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: 1152

user_agent string
The user agent value of the customer's browser (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_2) AppleWebKit/601.3.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0.2 Safari/601.3.9

document object

Specifies the customer's document object, including its number and type.

document_number string
The customer's document number (MAX 40; MIN 3).
Example: 1093333333

document_type enum
The customer's document type (MAX 6, MIN 2).
Possible enum values: Check the Country reference.

phone object

Specifies the customer's phone object, including number and code.

number string
The customer's phone number (MAX 40; MIN 3).
Example: 11992149494

country_code string
The country calling code of the customer's phone (MAX 3; MIN 1).
Possible values: Check the Country reference.

billing_address object

Specifies the customer's billing address object.

address_line_1 string
The primary billing address line of the customer (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Calle 34 # 56 - 78

address_line_2 string
The secondary billing address line of the customer (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Apartamento 502, Torre I

city string
The city considered for the billing address (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Bogotá

country enum
The country considered for the billing address (MAX 2; MIN 2; ISO 3166-1).
Possible enum values: Check the Country reference.

state string
The state considered for the billing address (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Cundinamarca

zip_code string
The zipcode considered for the billing address (MAX 11; MIN 4).
Example: 111111

neighborhood string
The neighborhood of the address line of the customer(MAX 255; MIN 2).
Example: Barrio 11

shipping_address object

Specifies the customer's shipping address object.

address_line_1 string
The primary shipping address line of the customer (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Calle 34 # 56 - 78

address_line_2 string
The secondary shipping address line of the customer (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Apartamento 502, Torre I

city string
The city considered for the shipping address (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Bogotá

country enum
The country considered for the shipping address (MAX 2; MIN 2; ISO 3166-1).
Possible enum values: Check the Country reference.

state string
The state considered for the shipping address (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Cundinamarca

zip_code string
The zipcode considered for the shipping address (MAX 11; MIN 4).
Example: 111111

neighborhood string
The neighborhood of the address line of the customer (MAX 255; MIN 2).
Example: Barrio 11

additional_data object

Specifies the additional_data object. This object is not mandatory. However, if you send this information, the payment experience will be enhanced for your user.

airline object

Specifies the airline object. Passengers and tickets should have the same order information.

pnr string
Passenger name record (MAX 10; MIN 1).
Example: 1P-2UUGJW

legs array of object

Specifies the legs array of objects.

arrival_airport string
IATA airport code (MAX 3; MIN 3). See
Example: AMS

arrival_datetime timestamp
The arrival date and time in local time at the arrival airport.
Example: 2022-05-09T24:46:54.786342Z

base_fare float
The transaction amount, excluding taxes and fees, the smallest unit of currency (multiple of 0.0001).
Example: 23.5676

base_fare_currency string
The currency used to transaction amount (MAX 3; MIN 3; ISO 4217).
Example: Check the Country reference.

carrier_code string
IATA carrier code (MAX 2; MIN 2). See
Example: KL

departure_airport string
IATA code (MAX 3; MIN 3). See
Example: EZE

departure_airport_timezone string
Airport timezone (MAX 6; MIN 6).
Example: -03:00

departure_datetime timestamp
The departure date and time in local time at the departure airport.
Example: 2022-05-09T20:46:54.786342Z

fare_basis_code string
Code base rate provides specific information on the fare in addition to the class service, both required for booking (MAX 15; MIN 1).
Example: HL7LNR

fare_class_code string
The fare class code of the airline (MAX 1; MIN 1). The values can be a letter (A-Z) but may vary depending on the airline's definition. Check the Airline information reference.
Example: Y

flight_number string
The flight number assigned by the airline carrier (MAX 5; MIN 1).
Example: 842

stopover_code string
The stopover code (1-letter code that indicates whether the passenger is allowed to make a stopover. Only two types of characters are allowed: O: Stopover allowed (the letter “O”, not zero) / X: Stopover not allowed).
Example: O

passengers array of objects

Specifies the array of objects that represents the passengers associated to the tickets.

country enum
Country where the document was issued (MAX 2; MIN 2; ISO 3166-1).
Possible enum values: Check the Country reference.

date_of_birth string
The passenger's date of birth in the YYYY-MM-DD format (MAX 10; MIN 10).
Example: 1990-02-28

document object

Specifies the document object for the passenger.

document_number string
The passenger's document number (MAX 40; MIN 3).
Example: 1093333333

document_type enum
The passenger's document type (MAX 6, MIN 2).
Possible enum values: Check the Country reference.

country enum
Country where the document was issued (MAX 2; MIN 2; ISO 3166-1).
Possible enum values: Check the Country reference.

phone object

Specifies the phone object for the passenger.

country_code string
The country calling code of the passenger's phone (MAX 3; MIN 1).
Possible values: Check the Country reference

number string
The passenger's phone number, without the country code (MAX 32; MIN 1).
Example: 1130292837

email string
The passenger's email (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: [email protected]

first_name string
The passenger's first name (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: John

last_name string
The passenger's last name (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Doe

loyalty_number string
Number of passenger loyalty program (MAX 20, MIN 1).
Example: 254587547

loyalty_tier enum
Tier of passenger loyalty program (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Possible enum values: Check the Loyalty tier.

middle_name string
The passenger's middle name (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Charles

nationality enum
The passenger's nationality (MAX 2; MIN 2; ISO 3166-1).
Possible enum values: Check the Country reference.

type enum
The type of passenger (MAX 1; MIN 1).
Possible enum values: Check the Passenger type list.

tickets array of objects

Specifies the array of tickets associated with the passengers.

ticket_number string
Ticket number (MAX 14; MIN 1).
Example: 7411823255523

e_ticket boolean
Is this an e-ticket?
Possible values: True or False

restricted boolean
Indicates if the ticket is refunfable or not.
Possible values: True or False

total_fare_amount float
Total fare amount in the smallest unit of currency (multiple of 0.0001).
Example: 80000

total_tax_amount float
Total taxes amount in the smallest unit of currency (multiple of 0.0001).
Example: 14800

total_fee_amount float
Total fee amount in the smallest unit of currency (multiple of 0.0001).
Example: 25200

issue object

Specifies the issue object.

address string
Address of the agent who sold the ticket (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Apartamento 502, Torre I

zip_code string
Zip code of the agent who sold the ticket.
Example: 1636

carrier_prefix_code string
Issuing or Validating carrier. This is the AWB Prefix (Air waybill) IATA 3-numeric code (MAX 3; MIN 3).
Example: 044

city string
City name of the agent who sold the ticket (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Bogotá

country enum
Country code where the ticket was issued (MAX 2; MIN 2; ISO 3166-1).
Possible enum values: Check the Country code list.

date string
Ticket issuing date.
Example: 1979-01-12

travel_agent_code string
Code of the travel agent issuing the ticket.
Example: 10655823

travel_agent_name string
The name under which the point of sale appears on the agency list or franchise name (MAX 32; MIN 1).
Example: ACME Agency Inc

order object

Specifies the order object.

shipping_amount float
The shipping amount of the order (multiple of 0.0001).This field is for informational purposes, the shipping amount is already included in the final transaction amount and is not added separately.
Example: 5190

fee_amount float
The fee amount of the order (multiple of 0.0001).This field is for informational purposes, the fee amount is already included in the final transaction amount and is not added separately.
Example: 789.50

tip_amount float
The tip amount of the order (multiple of 0.0001). This field is for informational purposes, the tip amount is already included in the final transaction amount and is not added separately.
Example: 215.10

taxes array of objects

Specifies the order's tax object.

type string
Type of the tax.
Example: VAT

tax_base float
The amount base to apply the tax defined.
Example: 10000

value float
The amount of the tax.
Example: 2100

percentage float
The percentage of the tax.
Example: 21

items array of object

Specifies the item's object.

id string
The unique identifier of the item (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: 3214

name string
The name of the item (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: iPhone 12 Pro Max

quantity int
The quantity of the item (MAX 999; MIN 1).
Example: 1

unit_amount float
The unit amount of the item (multiple of 0.0001).
Example: 550

category string
The category of the item (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Possible values: Check the Item category list.

brand string
The brand of the item (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Apple

sku_code string
The stock keeping unit (SKU) of the item (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: A2342

manufacture_part_number string
The manufacture part number of the item (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: 345621234

discounts array of objects

Specifies the order's discounts object.

id string
ID of the discount (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: 10OFF

name string
The name of the discount (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Offer

unit_amount float
The amount of the discount (multiple of 0.0001).
Example: 100

tickets array of object

Specifies the tickets object.

id string
Id of the ticket (Min: 1, max:255)
Example: 3214

name string
Name of the ticket (Min: 1, max:255)
Example: Concert

description string
Description of the ticket (Min: 1, max:255)
Example: Concert

type enum
Type of ticket

amount object

Specifies the payment amount object, with the value and currency.

currency enum
The currency used to make the payment (MAX 3; MIN 3; ISO 4217).
Possible enum values: Check the Country reference.

value number
The payment amount (multiple of 0.0001).
Example: 111111

event object

Specifies the event details object.

id string
Id of the event related to the ticket
Example: AA01

name string
Name of the event (Min: 1, max:255)
Example: Music

description string
Description of the event (Min: 1, max:255)
Example: festival

type enum
Type of event

date date
Date of the event
Example: 2025-10-25

address object

Specifies the event's address object.

address_line_1 string
The primary address line of the event (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Calle 34 # 56 - 78

address_line_2 string
The secondary billing address line of the event (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Apartamento 502, Torre I

city string
The city considered for the event's address (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Bogotá

country enum
The country considered for the event's address (MAX 2; MIN 2,ISO 3166-1).
Possible enum values: Check the Country code list.

state string
The state considered for the event's address (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Cundinamarca

zip_code string
The zipcode considered for the event's address (MAX 11; MIN 4).
Example: 111111

shipping object

Specifies the shipping details object.

type enum
Type of shippment.
Possible enum values: Check the Shipping reference.

description string
The description of the shipping (MAX 255; MIN 1).
Example: Shipping of sample shirt

carrier enum
The carrier used for the delivery.
Example: UPS
Possible enum values: Check the Shipping reference.

deliver_at timestamp
Estimated date of delivery (ISO 8601 MAX 27; MIN 27).
Example: 2025-09-17T20:43:54.786342Z

account_funding object

Specifies the account funding structure for transfers and payments.

sender object

Specifies the sender's information.

national_entity enum
Sender's national entity type. Possible values:


first_name string
Sender's first name (MAX 80).
Example: John

last_name string
Sender's last name (MAX 80).
Example: Doe

email string
Sender's email (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: [email protected]

date_of_birth date
Sender's date of birth in the YYYY-MM-DD format (MAX 10; MIN 10).
Example: 1990-02-28

phone object

Specifies the phone object.

country_code string
Sender's phone country code (MAX 3; MIN 2).
Example: 57

number string
Sender's phone number (MAX 32; MIN 1).
Example: 3132450765

document object

Specifies the document object.

document_number string
Sender's national document ID (MAX 40; MIN 3).
Example: 1093333333

document_type enum
Sender's document type (MAX 6; MIN 2).
Example: CC

address object

Specifies the address object.

address_line_1 string
Primary billing address (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Calle 34 # 56 - 78

address_line_2 string
Secondary billing address (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Apartamento 502, Torre I

city string
City for the billing address (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Bogota

country enum
Country for the billing address (ISO 3166-1; MAX 2; MIN 2).
Example: CO

state string
State or province for the billing address (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Cundinamarca

zip_code string
ZIP code for the billing address (MAX 11; MIN 4).
Example: 111111

recipient object

Specifies the recipient's information.

national_entity enum
Recipient's national entity type. Possible values:


legal_name string
Recipient's legal name. Required if national_entity is ENTITY (MAX 80).
Example: Arcos dorados S.A.

email string
Recipient's email (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: [email protected]

date_of_birth date
Recipient's date of birth in the YYYY-MM-DD format (MAX 10; MIN 10).
Example: 1985-07-15

phone object

Specifies the phone object.

country_code string
Recipient's phone country code (MAX 3; MIN 2).
Example: 57

number string
Recipient's phone number (MAX 32; MIN 1).
Example: 3132450765

document object

Specifies the document object.

document_number string
Recipient's national document ID (MAX 40; MIN 3).
Example: 1093333333

document_type enum
Recipient's document type (MAX 6; MIN 2).
Example: CC

address object

Specifies the address object.

address_line_1 string
Primary billing address (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Calle 34 # 56 - 78

address_line_2 string
Secondary billing address (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Apartamento 502, Torre I

city string
City for the billing address (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Bogota

country enum
Country for the billing address (ISO 3166-1; MAX 2; MIN 2).
Example: CO

state string
State or province for the billing address (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Cundinamarca

zip_code string
ZIP code for the billing address (MAX 11; MIN 4).
Example: 111111

seller_details object

Specifies the seller's details object.

name string
The seller's legal name (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Jhon Doe

email string
The seller's e-mail (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: [email protected]

reference string
The seller's identification code (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Seller

website string
The seller's website URL (MAX 255; MIN 3).

industry enum
The seller's industry (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Possible enum values: Check the Industry category.

merchant_category_code string
MCC - The merchant category code (MAX 235; MIN 1).
Example: 6199

country enum
The seller's country (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Possible enum values: Check the Country code list.

document object

Specifies the document object of the seller.

document_number string
The seller's document number (MAX 40; MIN 3).
Example: 1093333333

document_type enum
The seller's document type (MAX 6, MIN 2).
Possible enum values: Check the Country reference.

phone object

Specifies the seller's phone number object.

country_code string
The country calling code of the seller's phone (MAX 3; MIN 1). Possible values: Check the Country reference.
Example: 57

number string
The seller's phone number, without the country code (MAX 32; MIN 1).
Example: 3132450765

address object

Specifies the seller's address object.

address_line_1 string
The primary address line of the seller (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Calle 34 # 56 - 78

address_line_2 string
The secondary billing address line of the seller (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Apartamento 502, Torre I

city string
The city considered for the seller's address (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Bogotá

country enum
The country considered for the seller's address (MAX 2; MIN 2,ISO 3166-1).
Possible enum values: Check the Country code list.

state string
The state considered for the seller's address (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Cundinamarca

zip_code string
The zipcode considered for the seller's address (MAX 11; MIN 4).
Example: 111111

taxes object

[Deprecated - For a correct use of the taxes object, please refer to the Taxes struct in the additional_data.order object - Changelog] Specifies the order's tax object.

type string
Type of the tax.
Example: VAT

tax_base float
The amount base to apply the tax defined.
Example: 10000

value float
The amount of the tax.
Example: 2100

percentage float
The percentage of the tax.
Example: 21

transactions object

Specifies the transaction details associated with a payment.

id string
The unique identifier of the transaction (MAX 64; MIN 36).
Example: 7bf8f1f6-4081-41ec-a024-a927056e00ab

type string
The transaction type.

status enum
The status of the transaction.

category string
The category of the payment method used in the transaction.
Example: CARD

amount string
The amount of the transaction.
Example: 100

provider_id string
The id of the provider that processed the transaction.
Example: DLOCAL

payment_method object

Specifies the payment method details used in the transaction.

vaulted_token string
The vaulted token for a previously stored payment_method. If a payment is created using a vaulted_token, it is not necessary to send a token as well, it can be defined as null (MAX: 64; MIN: 36).
Example: 8604911d-5ds9-229e-8468-bd41abear14s

type string
Type of the payment method. Mandatory for DIRECT or REDIRECT workflow.
Possible enum values:
Possible enum values: Check the payment type reference.

vault_on_success boolean
Flag to enroll the card after a successful payment.
Possible values: True or False

token string
The one time use payment method token provided by Yuno sdk. If a payment is created using a token, it is not necessary to send a vaulted_token as well, it can be defined as null. Not necessary for back to back payments (MAX: 64; MIN: 36).
Example: 5104911d-5df9-229e-8468-bd41abea1a4s

parent_payment_method_type enum
When using a wallet for payments through a direct integration, this field indicates the provider from which the card information was obtained.
Example: APPLE_PAY

detail object

Specifies the payment method detail object, which provides details of the different transaction category types that are part of the payment method object.

card object

Specifies the details of the payment method when using a card.

verify boolean
Using amount = 0 and verify = true, you can verify the user's card without authorizing a real amount.
Possible values: True or False

capture boolean
Decides whether to authorize the payment or capture it. Authorizing a card payment allows you to reserve funds in a customer's bank account.
Possible values: True or False

installments integer
The card installments (MAX 50; MIN 1).
Example: 3

first_installments_deferral integer
Number of months to wait to debit the first installment.
Example: 1

installments_type string
Type of installments used in the card payment.
Example: string

installments_amount integer
The installment amount includes interests associated with the installment and the information is defined by the provider.
Example: 3

soft_descriptor string
The descriptor passed per transaction to out platform. It will be presented on the customer's physical bank statement (MAX 15; MIN 0).
Example: COMPANY1

authorization_code string
The acquirer's response code.
Example: 742A64

retrieval_reference_number integer
The unique identifier assigned by an acquirer to an authorization. In case of Brazil, you'll receive the nsu.
Example: 200000000012

voucher string
The unique identifier of the payment receipt assigned by the issuing bank for a card transaction. This field is empty if the gateway does not provide information about the transaction (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: 43564

card_data object

Specifies the details of the card.

holder_name string
Card holder's full name as it appears on the card (MAX 26; MIN 3) only available for PCI certified merchants.
Example: Fannie Weissnat

iin integer
The issuer identification number (IIN) refers to the first few digits of the payment card number issued by a financial institution (MAX 8; MIN 6).
Example: 41961111

lfd integer
The last four digits of the card (MAX 4; MIN 4).
Example: 0010

number_length integer
The length of the card's number (MAX 2; MIN 1).
Example: 16

security_code_length integer
The length of the card's security code (MAX 1; MIN 1).
Example: 3

brand string
The card's brand information (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: VISA

issuer_name string
The card's issuer (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Banco Galicia

category string
The category of the card's issuer (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Gold

type string
The type of the card's issuer (MAX 255; MIN 3).

fingerprint string
When a customer enrolls a credit card multiple times related to one or many Yuno accounts, multiple vaulted_tokens will be generated, but the fingerprint lets you identify when the same card is used for the customer (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: 55a7fe38-cdc3-45dc-8c5f-820751799c76

three_d_secure object

Specifies the details of the 3DS Transaction.

three_d_secure_setup_id string
Setup ID obteined for the 3DS Direct flow.
Example: 24127d61-b852-42fb-acd4-1ee661645376

version enum
Refers to the protocol version of the EMV 3-D Secure specification used. 1.0, 2.0, 2.1.0, 2.2.0, 2.2.1.
Example: 2.2.1

electronic_commerce_indicator string
This field must be completed with the result of the ECI field provided by the 3d Secure service. The Electronic Commerce Indicator (ECI) informs the card issuer if the transaction was protected by a security protocol like VbV or MCSC. It is mandated by Visa and MasterCard that all 3-D Secure transactions have this value populated in the authorization request (MAX: 2, MIN: 0).
Example: 04

cryptogram string
This field must be completed with the result of the cryptogram field provided by the 3DSecure service. In Visa transactions, it represents the Cardholder Authentication Verification Value (CAVV), a cryptographic value generated by the Issuer as evidence of payment authentication during online purchase to qualify for chargeback protection. MasterCard transactions have a similar value called Accountholder Authentication Value (AAV) or the Universal Cardholder Authentication Field (UCAF). When submitting a transaction for authorization, the merchant must include the CAVV or AAV/UCAF to demonstrate that the cardholder has been authenticated. It is typically base64-encoded (MAX: 40, MIN: 0).
Example: BA0BB1Z3N5Q4kjkBU3c3ELGUsJY =

transaction_id string
For 3DS v1: This is the Unique Transaction Identifier. It is automatically generated by the MPI. It is typically 28 bytes in length and base64-encoded. Is commonly referred to as XID (MAX: 40, MIN: 0). For 3DS v2: Universally unique transaction identifier assigned by the DS to identify a single transaction. (MAX: 36, MIN:36).
Ex for V1: “TjY0MjAxRjA4MD4987DUzMzYyNjU=” Ex for V2: “c4e59ceb-a382-4d6a-bc87-385d591fa09d”

directory_server_transaction_id string
Transaction ID generated by the Mastercard directory server during authentication (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: f38e6948-5388-41a6-bca4-b49723c19437

pares_status string
Indicates the outcome of the cardholder authentication during the 3-D Secure process. It informs you whether the authentication was successful (Y), failed (N), could not be completed (U), or was only attempted (A).
Example: Y

acs_id string
Unique identifier provided by the Access Control Server (ACS) during the 3-D Secure authentication process.
Example: ACS-1234567890

network_token object

Information about the network token used for the transaction. If applicable.

network enum
The provider associated to the token provided. VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN_EXPRESS.

status enum
Status of the token for the payment method. CREATED, ACTIVE, SUSPENDED, CANCELED.
Example: ACTIVE

par string
Payment account reference.
Example: MCC123456789012

token_data object

Token details.

number number
[Mandatory] Token’s number without any separators (MAX 19; MIN 8) only available for PCI certified merchants.
Example: 450799000001234

holder_name string
Cardholder’s full name as it appears on the Token (MAX 26; MIN 3).
Example: John Doe

iin number
The Institution identification number (IIN) refers to the first few digits of a network token number issued by a financial institution (MAX 8; MIN 6).
Example: 45079900

lfd number
Last four digits of the network token (MAX 4; MIN 4).
Example: 1234

expiration_month number
Network Token’s expiration month (MM) (MAX 2; MIN 2).
Example: 12

expiration_year number
Network Token’s expiration year (YYYY) (MAX 4; MIN 2).
Example: 2027

cryptogram string
[Mandatory] - The unique cryptogram generated by the issuer for the network token in use in the transaction.

electronic_commerce_indicator string
[Only required for certain providers] - In case the token has been authenticated by Mastercard the field should be set to 02. For Visa or not authenticated tokens, is not necessary to send the field.

token_requestor_id string
[Only required for certain providers] - Token requestor ID of the merchant

response object

Network transaction details.

code number
Response code from the service provider.
Example: succeeded

message number
Response code from the service provider.
Example: Transaction Succeeded

stored_credentials object

Indicates the processing type of the transaction.

reason enum
Indicates the processing type of the transaction.Enum:CARD_ON_FILE, SUBSCRIPTION, UNSCHEDULED_CARD_ON_FILE

usage enum
This field Iets you indicate if this is the first time the vaulted_token/network_token is used for a payment or if it has already been used for a previous payment. Enum: FIRST, USED
Example: USED

subscription_agreement_id string
This field lets you indicate the identification of the agreement with the customer for a subscription. Mainly for MX (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: AA0001

network_Transaction_id string
Unique identifier assigned to a transaction by the card network. It is used to track and reference specific transactions, particularly in recurring payment scenarios, ensuring consistency and traceability across the payment lifecycle (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: 583103536844189

wallet object

Specifies the details of the payment method when using a wallet.

verify boolean
Using amount = 0 and verify = true, you can verify the user's card without authorizing a real amount.
Possible values: True or False

cryptogram string
Cryptogram for direct integrations with card wallets (MAX 526; MIN 3).

capture boolean
Decides whether to authorize the payment or capture it. Authorizing a card payment allows you to reserve funds in a customer's bank account.
Possible values: True or False

installments integer
The card installments (MAX 50; MIN 1).
Example: 3

payment_method_id string
The user's payment method used in their wallet.
Example: credit_card

detail string
The payment method's detail used in their wallet.
Example: visa

date_of_expiration date
Expiration date for an offline payment method.
Example: 2022-05-09T00:00:00.000000Z

money_release_date date
Date in which the money from the provider will be available to use.
Example: 2022-05-09T00:00:00.000000Z

sponsor_id string
Partner's provider account (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: 4562103

authorization_code string
Acquire's response code.
Example: 742A64

customer_data object

Specifies the details of the customer.

email string
The customer's email (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: [email protected]

first_name string
The customer's first name (MAX 32, MIN 8).
Example: John

last_name string
The customer's last name (MAX 32, MIN 8).
Example: Doe

username string
The customer's username in the platform (MAX 32, MIN 8).
Example: John_Doe_01

identification_type string
The customer's document type (MAX 32, MIN 8).
Check the Country reference. Example: DNI

identification_number string
The customer's identification number (MAX 32, MIN 8).
Example: 34566123

fee_details object

Specifies the details of the fees.

amount float
Amount of the transaction (multiple of 0.0001).
Example: 40.5

card_data object

Specifies the details of the card.

iin integer
The issuer identification number (IIN) refers to the first few digits of the payment card number issued by a financial institution (MAX 8; MIN 6).
Example: 45079900

lfd integer
The last four digits of the card (MAX 4; MIN 4).
Example: 0010

number_length integer
The length of the card's number (MAX 19; MIN 8).
Example: 19

security_code_length integer
The length of the card's security code (MAX 1; MIN 1).
Example: 3

brand string
The card's brand information (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: visa

holder_name string
Card holder's full name as it appears on the card (MAX 26; MIN 3) only available for PCI certified merchants.
Example: JOHN DOE

bnpl object

Specifies the details of the payment method when using BNPL.

installments integer
The loan installments (MAX 50; MIN 1).
Example: 10

provider_image string
The provider's URL (MAX 255; MIN 3).

redirect_url string
The URL with the full version of the ticket in case you want to redirect your customer (MAX 255; MIN 3).

customer_data object

Specifies the details of the customer.

name string
The customer's legal name (MAX 32, MIN 8).
Example: Legal name

username string
Customer's username in the provider platform (MAX 32, MIN 8).
Example: Legal_name_01

tax_id_type string
The customer's tax identifier (MAX 32, MIN 8).
Example: CUIT

tax_id string
The customer's tax identifier number (MAX 32, MIN 8).
Example: 20-34566123-7

type string
The credit's type (MAX 255; MIN 3).

area string
The customer's industry (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: OTHERS

role string
The customer's role in the company (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: OWNER

bank_transfer object

Specifies the details of the payment method when using bank transfer.

provider_image string
The provider's URL (MAX 255; MIN 3).

account_type string
Type of the bank account (MAX 255; MIN 3).

bank_name string
Name of the bank associated with the account (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Banco Galicia

beneficiary_name string
The name of the account holder (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: John Doe

bank_account string
The number of the bank account (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: 54653211313333

bank_account_2 string
The secondary number of the bank account (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: 78900000000123

beneficiary_document_type string
Document type of the account holder (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Possible values: Check the Country reference. Example: DNI

beneficiary_document string
Document number of the account holder (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: 54666897

reference string
Reference code for the user (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: AA01234-BC

retrieval_reference_number string
The unique identifier assigned by an acquirer to an authorization.In case of Brazil, you'll receive the nsu.
Example: 200000000012

payment_instruction string
Payments instructions related to the payment (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Go to your bank account and transfer the amount using the reference detailed below

redirect_url string
The URL with the full version of the ticket in case you want to redirect your customer (MAX 255; MIN 3).

ticket object

Specifies the details of the payment method when using ticket.

type string
The ticket's type.
Example: number, barcode, custom, reference_code, qr

benefit_type enum
User´s benefit type for ticket payment method. JUNAEB, PRIVATE
Example: PRIVATE

date_of_expiration date
The ticket's expiration date in YYYY-MM-DD.
Example: 2022-05-20

provider_number integer
The ticket's number.
Example: 13141

provider_barcode integer
The ticket's barcode.
Example: 456789009878765u7654

provider_logo string
The ticket's logo.

provider_format string
The ticket's format.
Example: barcode, custom

payment_instruction string
Payments instructions related to the payment (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Go to your closest store and pay the total amount using the reference detailed below

redirect_url string
The URL with the full version of the ticket.

payment_link object

Specifies the details of the payment method when using a payment link.

verify boolean
Using amount = 0 and verify = true, you can verify the user's card without authorizing a real amount.
Possible values: True or False

capture boolean
Decides whether to authorize the payment or capture it. Authorizing a card payment allows you to reserve funds in a customer's bank account.
Possible values: True or False

installments integer
The card installments (MAX 50; MIN 1).
Example: 3

payment_method_id string
The user's payment method used in their wallet.
Example: credit_card

detail string
The payment method's detail used in their wallet.
Example: visa

date_of_expiration date
Expiration date for an offline payment method.
Example: 2022-05-09T00:00:00.000000Z

money_release_date date
Date in which the money from the provider will be available to use.
Example: 2022-05-09T00:00:00.000000Z

sponsor_id string
Partner's provider account (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: 4562103

authorization_code string
Acquire's response code.
Example: 742A64

customer_data object

Specifies the details of the customer.

email string
The customer's email (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: [email protected]

first_name string
The customer's first name (MAX 32, MIN 8).
Example: John

last_name string
The customer's last name (MAX 32, MIN 8).
Example: Doe

username string
The customer's username in the platform (MAX 32, MIN 8).
Example: John_Doe_01

identification_type string
The customer's document type (MAX 32, MIN 8).
Possible values: Check the Document type list. Example: DNI

identification_number string
The customer's identification number (MAX 32, MIN 8).
Example: 34566123

fee_details object

Specifies the details of the fees.

amount float
Amount of the transaction (multiple of 0.0001).
Example: 40.5

card_data object

Specifies the details of the card.

iin integer
The issuer identification number (IIN) refers to the first few digits of the payment card number issued by a financial institution (MAX 8; MIN 6).
Example: 45079900

lfd integer
The last four digits of the card (MAX 4; MIN 4).
Example: 0010

number_length integer
The length of the card's number (MAX 19; MIN 8).
Example: 19

security_code_length integer
The length of the card's security code (MAX 1; MIN 1).
Example: 3

brand string
The card's brand information (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: visa

holder_name string
Card holder's full name as it appears on the card (MAX 26; MIN 3) only available for PCI certified merchants.
Example: John Doe

response_code string
The code that represents the response of the te outcome of the transaction.

response_message string
The description of the response_code.
Example: Transaction successful

reason string
The reason for the transaction. Applies to secondary transactions, such as refunds or captures.

description string
The description of the payment (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Purchase on web

merchant_reference string
The reference generated by the merchant to identify the payment/transaction.
Example: AA01

provider_data object

Specifies the provider data that processed the payment.

id string
The provider id that processed the payment.
Example: DLOCAL

transaction_id string
The id of the transaction from the provider.
Example: 5a1fa541-5fa2-496e-9fdc-29b34e09a107

third_party_account_id string
The id of the account from the processor of the provider. If applies.
Example: AA001298

third_party_transaction_id string
The id of the transaction from the processor of the provider. If applies.
Example: 1309982

account_id string
The unique identifier of the account (MAX 64; MIN 36).
Example: 9104911d-5df9-429e-8488-ad41abea1a4b

status enum
The status of the transaction.

status_detail string
The status_detail of the transaction.

response_code string
The code that represents the response of the te outcome of the transaction from the provider.

response_message string
Message to provide additional information regarding the operation status.
Example: Successful transaction

iso8583_response_code object
The code of the international standard for financial transaction card originated interchange messaging (ISO 8583).
Example: 00

iso8583_response_message object
The message of the international standard for financial transaction card originated interchange messaging (ISO 8583).
Example: Approved or completed successfully

raw_notification array of object
The direct notification from the provider for the transaction. The format of the object depends on the provider's response.
Example: JSON, XML, string

detail object

Specifies the payment method detail object returned by the provider, which specifies the details of the different transaction category types.

card object

Specifies the details of the payment method when using a card.

verify boolean
Using amount = 0 and verify = true, you can verify the user's card without authorizing a real amount.
Possible values: True or False

capture boolean
Decides whether to authorize the payment or capture it. Authorizing a card payment allows you to reserve funds in a customer's bank account.
Possible values: True or False

installments integer
The card installments (MAX 50; MIN 1).
Example: 3

first_installments_deferral integer
Number of months to wait to debit the first installment.
Example: 1

installments_type string
Type of installments used in the card payment.
Example: string

installments_amount integer
The installment amount includes interests associated with the installment and the information is defined by the provider.
Example: 3

soft_descriptor string
The descriptor passed per transaction to out platform. It will be presented on the customer's physical bank statement (MAX 15; MIN 0).
Example: COMPANY1

authorization_code string
The acquirer's response code.
Example: 742A64

retrieval_reference_number integer
The unique identifier assigned by an acquirer to an authorization. In case of Brazil, you'll receive the nsu.
Example: 200000000012

voucher string
The unique identifier of the payment receipt assigned by the issuing bank for a card transaction. This field is empty if the gateway does not provide information about the transaction (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: 43564

card_data object

Specifies the details of the card.

holder_name string
Card holder's full name as it appears on the card (MAX 26; MIN 3) only available for PCI certified merchants.
Example: Fannie Weissnat

iin integer
The issuer identification number (IIN) refers to the first few digits of the payment card number issued by a financial institution (MAX 8; MIN 6).
Example: 41961111

lfd integer
The last four digits of the card (MAX 4; MIN 4).
Example: 0010

number_length integer
The length of the card's number (MAX 2; MIN 1).
Example: 16

security_code_length integer
The length of the card's security code (MAX 1; MIN 1).
Example: 3

brand string
The card's brand information (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: VISA

issuer_name string
The card's issuer (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Banco Galicia

category string
The category of the card's issuer (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Gold

type string
The type of the card's issuer (MAX 255; MIN 3).

wallet object

Specifies the details of the payment method when using a wallet.

verify boolean
Using amount = 0 and verify = true, you can verify the user's card without authorizing a real amount.
Possible values: True or False

cryptogram string
Cryptogram for direct integrations with card wallets (MAX 526; MIN 3).

capture boolean
Decides whether to authorize the payment or capture it. Authorizing a card payment allows you to reserve funds in a customer's bank account.
Possible values: True or False

installments integer
The card installments (MAX 50; MIN 1).
Example: 3

payment_method_id string
The user's payment method used in their wallet.
Example: credit_card

detail string
The payment method's detail used in their wallet.
Example: visa

date_of_expiration date
Expiration date for an offline payment method.
Example: 2022-05-09T00:00:00.000000Z

money_release_date date
Date in which the money from the provider will be available to use.
Example: 2022-05-09T00:00:00.000000Z

sponsor_id string
Partner's provider account (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: 4562103

authorization_code string
Acquire's response code.
Example: 742A64

customer_data object

Specifies the details of the customer.

email string
The customer's email (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: [email protected]

first_name string
The customer's first name (MAX 32, MIN 8).
Example: John

last_name string
The customer's last name (MAX 32, MIN 8).
Example: Doe

username string
The customer's username in the platform (MAX 32, MIN 8).
Example: John_Doe_01

identification_type string
The customer's document type (MAX 32, MIN 8).
Check the Country reference. Example: DNI

identification_number string
The customer's identification number (MAX 32, MIN 8).
Example: 34566123

fee_details object

Specifies the details of the fees.

amount float
Amount of the transaction (multiple of 0.0001).
Example: 40.5

card_data object

Specifies the details of the card.

iin integer
The issuer identification number (IIN) refers to the first few digits of the payment card number issued by a financial institution (MAX 8; MIN 6).
Example: 45079900

lfd integer
The last four digits of the card (MAX 4; MIN 4).
Example: 0010

number_length integer
The length of the card's number (MAX 19; MIN 8).
Example: 19

security_code_length integer
The length of the card's security code (MAX 1; MIN 1).
Example: 3

brand string
The card's brand information (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: visa

holder_name string
Card holder's full name as it appears on the card (MAX 26; MIN 3) only available for PCI certified merchants.
Example: JOHN DOE

bnpl object

Specifies the details of the payment method when using BNPL.

installments integer
The loan installments (MAX 50; MIN 1).
Example: 10

provider_image string
The provider's URL (MAX 255; MIN 3).

redirect_url string
The URL with the full version of the ticket in case you want to redirect your customer (MAX 255; MIN 3).

customer_data object

Specifies the details of the customer.

name string
The customer's legal name (MAX 32, MIN 8).
Example: Legal name

username string
Customer's username in the provider platform (MAX 32, MIN 8).
Example: Legal_name_01

tax_id_type string
The customer's tax identifier (MAX 32, MIN 8).
Example: CUIT

tax_id string
The customer's tax identifier number (MAX 32, MIN 8).
Example: 20-34566123-7

type string
The credit's type (MAX 255; MIN 3).

area string
The customer's industry (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: OTHERS

role string
The customer's role in the company (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: OWNER

bank_transfer object

Specifies the details of the payment method when using bank transfer.

provider_image string
The provider's URL (MAX 255; MIN 3).

account_type string
Type of the bank account (MAX 255; MIN 3).

bank_name string
Name of the bank associated with the account (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Banco Galicia

beneficiary_name string
The name of the account holder (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: John Doe

bank_account string
The number of the bank account (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: 54653211313333

bank_account_2 string
The secondary number of the bank account (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: 78900000000123

beneficiary_document_type string
Document type of the account holder (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Possible values: Check the Country reference. Example: DNI

beneficiary_document string
Document number of the account holder (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: 54666897

payment_instruction string
Payments instructions related to the payment (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Go to your bank account and transfer the amount using the reference detailed below

redirect_url string
The URL with the full version of the ticket in case you want to redirect your customer (MAX 255; MIN 3).

ticket object

Specifies the details of the payment method when using ticket.

type string
The ticket's type.
Example: number, barcode, custom, reference_code, qr

date_of_expiration date
The ticket's expiration date in YYYY-MM-DD.
Example: 2022-05-20

provider_number integer
The ticket's number.
Example: 13141

provider_barcode integer
The ticket's barcode.
Example: 456789009878765u7654

provider_logo string
The ticket's logo.

provider_format string
The ticket's format.
Example: barcode, custom

redirect_url string
The url with the full version of the ticket.

payment_link object

Specifies the details of the payment method when using a payment link.

verify boolean
Using amount = 0 and verify = true, you can verify the user's card without authorizing a real amount.
Possible values: True or False

capture boolean
Decides whether to authorize the payment or capture it. Authorizing a card payment allows you to reserve funds in a customer's bank account.
Possible values: True or False

installments integer
The card installments (MAX 50; MIN 1).
Example: 3

payment_method_id string
The user's payment method used in their wallet.
Example: credit_card

detail string
The payment method's detail used in their wallet.
Example: visa

date_of_expiration date
Expiration date for an offline payment method.
Example: 2022-05-09T00:00:00.000000Z

money_release_date date
Date in which the money from the provider will be available to use.
Example: 2022-05-09T00:00:00.000000Z

sponsor_id string
Partner's provider account (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: 4562103

authorization_code string
Acquire's response code.
Example: 742A64

customer_data object

Specifies the details of the customer.

email string
The customer's email (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: [email protected]

first_name string
The customer's first name (MAX 32, MIN 8).
Example: John

last_name string
The customer's last name (MAX 32, MIN 8).
Example: Doe

username string
The customer's username in the platform (MAX 32, MIN 8).
Example: John_Doe_01

identification_type string
The customer's document type (MAX 32, MIN 8).
Possible values: Check the Country reference. Example: DNI

identification_number string
The customer's identification number (MAX 32, MIN 8).
Example: 34566123

fee_details object

Specifies the details of the fees.

amount float
Amount of the transaction (multiple of 0.0001).
Example: 40.5

card_data object

Specifies the details of the card.

iin integer
The issuer identification number (IIN) refers to the first few digits of the payment card number issued by a financial institution (MAX 8; MIN 6).
Example: 45079900

lfd integer
The last four digits of the card (MAX 4; MIN 4).
Example: 0010

number_length integer
The length of the card's number (MAX 19; MIN 8).
Example: 19

security_code_length integer
The length of the card's security code (MAX 1; MIN 1).
Example: 3

brand string
The card's brand information (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: visa

holder_name string
Card holder's full name as it appears on the card (MAX 26; MIN 3) only available for PCI certified merchants.
Example: John Doe

connection_data object

Specifies the connection data object, which represents the connection used to process the transaction.

id string
The unique identifier of the payment connection in Yuno (MAX 64 ; MIN 36).
Example: 88292fd3-bf5b-4b23-bb95-7186ba4e7f88

created_at timestamp
The date and time when the transaction was created.
Example: 2022-05-09T20:46:54.786342Z

updated_at timestamp
The date and time from the last time the transaction was updated.
Example: 2022-05-09T20:46:54.786342Z

transactions_history array of objects
The list of the transactions that are part of a payment. It is going to depend on how many providers you have set up in your payment method route.

workflow enum
The payment workflow. Indicates whether the integration will use Yuno´s SDK or will be a back to back connection (Card implementation only available for PCI compliant merchants).
Possible enum values:

  • DIRECT: Back to back integration with provider info for custom payment experience.
  • REDIRECT: Back to back integration with provider redirection.

callback_url string
The URL where to redirect the customer after the payment. Only required for DIRECT integrations that have a redirection (MAX 526; MIN 3).

metadata array of objects

Specifies a list of metadata objects. You can add up to 50 metadata objects.

metadata object object

Specifies a metadata key and the respective value.

key string
Specifies one metadata key (MAX 48).
Example: age

value string
Specifies the value for the defined metadata key (MAX 512).
Example: 28

routing_rules array of objects

Returns the routing rules information during the payment creation.

smart_routing bool
Specifies if a transaction went through the smart routing feature or not.
Example: false

monitors bool
Specifies if a transaction went through the monitors feature or not.
Example: false

condition object

Object with the corresponding information for the routing condition that applies to the payment

id string
ID of the condition corresponding to the payment.
Example: 2404911d-5df9-429e-8488-ad41abea1a4b

fraud_screening array of objects

Provides information about the fraud scans used for the payment.

status enum
The final status of the screening process of the payment.

stand_alone boolean
Optional field to send in the payment indicating if the fraud screening is stand alone, meaning that a payment will not be excecuted after the fraud screening is made. You can use this field while creating your CARD route.
Example: false

transactions object

Specifies the transaction details associated with a screening process of the payment.

id string
The id of the fraud transaction (MAX 64; MIN 36).
Example: ft12

type enum
Type of the fraud transaction.
Possible enum values: PRE_AUTH, POS_AUTH

status enum
The status of the transaction (MAX 255; MIN 3).

response_code enum
The response code of the transaction.

response_message enum
The response message of the transaction.
Example: Fraud approved

provider_data object

Specifies the provider data that processed the payment.

provider_id string
The id of the fraud prevention provider.

transaction_id string
The id of the fraud transaction from the provider.
Example: AA001234567

status string
The provider fraud transaction status.
Example: APM

score string
The provider score for the transaction.
Example: 0.7

raw_response string
The raw_response of the provider.
Example: JSON

created_at timestamp
The date and time when the fraud screening was created.
Example: 2022-05-09T20:46:54.786342Z

updated_at timestamp
The date and time from the last time the fraud screening was updated.
Example: 2022-05-09T20:46:54.786342Z