This object represents a payment method that can be associated with a customer.
id string
The unique identifier of the payment method (MAX 64 ; MIN 36).
Example: 693ed90e-5aa9-11ed-9b6a-0242ac120002
account_id string
The unique identifier of the account (MAX 64 ; MIN 36).
Example: 8caa8bf4-5aa9-11ed-9b6a-0242ac120002
name string
The payment method name (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Mercado Pago - Wallet
description string
The payment method description (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: Mercado Pago - Wallet, the best!
type enum
The payment method type (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Possible enum values: Check the
Payment type list.
category string
The payment method category (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: CARD
country enum
The customer's country (MAX 2; MIN 2; ISO 3166-1).
Possible enum values: Check the Country reference.
verify object
Indicates whether to verify the payment with a verify transaction or not. You’ll need to have a provider defined in your CARD route.
vault_on_success boolean
Indicates whether to verify the payment with a verify transaction or not. False by default.
currency enum
Currency of the card verification.(MAX 3; MIN 3; ISO 4217).
Possible enum values: Check the Country reference.
status enum
Status of the payment method (MAX 255; MIN 5).
Possible enum values: Check the Payment method status.
created_at timestamp
Payment method creation date and time (MAX 27; MIN 27; ISO 8601).
Example: 2022-05-09T20:46:54.786342Z
updated_at timestamp
Last payment method update date and time (MAX 27; MIN 27; ISO 8601).
Example: 2022-05-09T20:46:54.786342Z
enrollment object
Specifies enrollment object.
session string
The customer session that has been created for the payment method (MAX 64; MIN 36).
Example: 9104911d-5df9-429e-8488-ad41abea1a4b
sdk_action_required boolean
Required action to call the SDK.
Possible values: True
or False
provider object
Specifies provider object.
type enum
The provider type.
Example: BANK
provider_status string
The status of the provider (MAX 255; MIN 3).
Example: OK
enrollment_id string
The unique identifier of the enrollment (MAX 64 ; MIN 36).
Example: a079d524-c3df-4470-b3c8-7f290f5a0ba4
token string
The token returned from the provider (MAX 64 ; MIN 36).
Example: a079d524-c3df-4470-b3c8-7f290f5a0ba4