How Yuno Payment Process Works

Yuno provides several options for you at the checkout. However, the basic payment process always follows the same steps in the sequence. On this page, you find an explanation of these steps and the basic elements used. This explanation aims to make clear the process flow you'll follow when using the Yuno SDKs or API.

Steps summary

The Yuno basic payment process will follow the four steps listed below:

  1. Create a customer
  2. Create a checkout session
  3. Create a One-Time Token
  4. Create the payment

A successful payment process will end with a successful transaction, which will depend on the payment information you provided and the fund's availability from the customer. Explore more details related to each step in the next section.

Payment process

Let's explore each step, detailing why they are necessary and the information required.

Step 1: Create a customer

Every payment in Yuno needs to be connected to a customer. Customer information includes data such as name, address, and phone, stored in Yuno's system. We use the customer information to process payments for different payment methods and processors. In addition, we can enroll payment methods in customer's profiles.

When you create a customer, we provide a unique identifier, which you will use in every subsequent step.

Certain information is not required when creating a customer. However, additional information can improve the user's payment experience if provided. Phone, billing, and shipping address are examples of non-mandatory data you can provide.


You will need the customer's identification information for every subsequent step.

Step 2: Create a checkout session

To process each payment, you will need to create a new checkout session each time to connect the customer to the payment that will be created.

A checkout session marks the initiation of a payment transaction. It acts as a container (session) containing relevant information about the upcoming payment. When you create the checkout session, Yuno loads all payment methods you have connected to your account, which you can then offer to your clients at the checkout.

After creating the checkout session, you will provide the available payment options to your client. With the chosen payment method, you can continue to the next step.

Enroll a payment method

If your client wants to enroll a payment method to their profile, you will create a customer session instead of a checkout session. When your customers enrolls a payment method, they provide sensible information, such as card number and CVV, only once. Yuno receives and stores your customer payment information and preferences for future usage.

Step 3: Create a one-time token

A One-Time Token (OTT) is essential for safeguarding customer privacy and payment security on Yuno. To create the OTT, you will use the customer identification and the checkout session, informing the selected payment method. This unique code, generated by Yuno, protects sensitive payment information by avoiding its storage on your servers. The OTT is a temporary and secure representation of payment details, ensuring privacy while facilitating secure transactions.

Customer Convenience

The OTT simplifies repeat payments by securely storing payment information for future use.

Step 4: Create the payment

A payment is a crucial element that unifies and represents a user's payment on the Yuno platform, regardless of the processors or payment methods used. The payment entity is a comprehensive representation of a user's payment, encompassing all essential details related to the order.

You will need the data you gathered during the previous steps to proceed with the payment. It is important to note that the payment must be made within the context of a checkout session and must have a customer connected, along with an OTT, to guarantee the privacy and security of your customers.

The payment entity provides a single view of the transaction by consolidating all necessary information. This unified representation is essential for tracking, reconciliation, and maintaining a transparent and organized payment flow.

Enhance the customer's experience

When creating a payment, certain fields are optional but can enhance user experience if provided. Be aware of mandatory fields if you wish to include this information.

After you create the payment, Yuno will keep you informed about the payment updates through Webhooks. In addition, Yuno integrates fraud prevention solutions you can integrate into the payment process.